Building Tcl/Tk 8.2, with BLT and Tix for LINUX

1. Files to Download

I downloaded the following:

2. Build and Install Tcl/Tk

Note that you should use the same value for --prefix on all of the ./configure commands in this section so that the packages are installed in the same locations. For LINUX systems, I typically use --prefix=/usr so that the Tcl/Tk files overwrite the ones installed with the LINUX distribution, but with an SGI or other computer, I don't like to modify system directories so I tend to use --prefix=/usr/local. If you don't have root access, you can install in some other location, for example, --prefix=/usr/people/toby/mytcltk.

In the examples below, I have downloaded the files in section 1. to ~/wp/inbox/ and I am building the source in /usr/tmp/tcltk823/ and will install the files in /mnt/opt/tcl823/

2.1 Tcl/Tk

mkdir /usr/tmp/tcltk823
cd /usr/tmp/tcltk823
gunzip < ~/wp/inbox/tcl8.2.3.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd tcl8.2.3/unix/
./configure --prefix=/mnt/opt/tcl823
make install

cd /usr/tmp/tcltk823
gunzip < ~/wp/inbox/tk8.2.3.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd tk8.2.3/unix/
./configure --prefix=/mnt/opt/tcl823
make install

2.2 BLT

Note that the package index file created by BLT never seems to work correctly (it does not reference the routines in the bltGraph.tcl file). I overwrite the file in the last installation file.
cd /usr/tmp/tcltk823
gunzip < ~/wp/inbox/BLT2.4n.tar.gz  | tar xvf -
cd blt2.4n/
patch -p5 < ~/wp/inbox/BLT2.4n_patch
./configure --prefix=/mnt/opt/tcl823 --enable-shared
make install
cp ~/wp/inbox/BLT2.4_pkgIndex.tcl /mnt/opt/tcl823/lib/blt2.4/pkgIndex.tcl

2.3 Tix

cd /usr/tmp/tcltk823
gunzip < ~/wp/inbox/Tix4.1.0.007.tar.gz | tar xvf -
ln -s tcl8.2.3 tcl8.2
ln -s tk8.2.3 tk8.2
cd Tix4.1.0.007
patch -p4 < ~/wp/inbox/Tix4.1.0.007_tcltk82_patch
cd unix
./configure --prefix=/mnt/opt/tcl823 --enable-shared
cd tk8.0
./configure --prefix=/mnt/opt/tcl823 --enable-shared
cd ..
make install
cd ../..

2.4 Tcl-DP

cd /usr/tmp/tcltk823/
gunzip < ~/wp/inbox/dp40b2-src.tar.gz | tar xvf -
mv tcl-dp dp40b2
cd dp40b2
patch -p4 < ~/wp/inbox/dp40_tcl82patches  
cd unix
./configure --prefix=/mnt/opt/tcl823 --with-tcl=../../tcl8.2.3/unix
mkdir /mnt/opt/tcl823/lib/dp40
cp ../library/*.tcl /mnt/opt/tcl823/lib/dp40
cd /mnt/opt/tcl823/lib/dp40
echo pkg_mkIndex . ./ | ../../bin/tclsh8.2 

Neither the author nor the U.S. Government makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of this information or the software described here. Brand names cited here are used for identification purposes and do not consitute an endorsement by NIST.

Brian Toby ([email protected])