ARITVE for WINDOWS 95 (only)
Executables were built from C code translated from FORTRAN code by f2c.
The compiler was MSVC++2.00 running on WINDOWS 95, choosing the option
"console application". If you want to build the executables with
another compiler eventually for another operating system, (LINUX...), then
do not forget the f2c.h header and the libi77.lib and libf77.lib libraries.
Files available in ARITVE.ZIP :
- Documentation
- ARITVE.MAN - the manual as an ASCII file
- Data
- ACAR.DAT - data file for hkl generation
- APCAR.DAT - data file for preparation before refinement
- ASIO2N.NOR - neutron interference function of SiO2
- ASIO2X.NOR - X-ray interference function of SiO2
- ARCAR.DAT - data file for structure refinement
- Program source codes (F : FORTRAN ; C : C code obtained by f2c)
and executables (.EXE)
- ALAZ.F ; ALAZ.C ; ALAZ.EXE - first part for hkl generation
- APURIT.F ; APURIT.C ; APURIT.EXE - second part for hkl generation
- APREP.F ; APREP.C ; APREP.EXE - stage of preparation before refinement
- ARITVE.F ; ARITVE.C ; ARITVE.EXE - refinement of the model
- Graphics programs
- As a separate viewer, DMPLOT
is able to read the *.PRn (n = 1, 2 or 3) output files renamed as **.PRF
files (FULLPROF format) and to show the difference plot.
Posted 23 Jan. 1996
Armel Le Bail
Laboratoire des Fluorures, CNRS-URA-449,
Université du Maine
F-72017 Le Mans Cedex, FRANCE
[email protected]