ARITVE - Alpha-AXP (Open VMS) version
Files available
- Documentation
- Data
- ACAR.DAT - data file for hkl generation
- APCAR.DAT - data file for preparation before
- ASIO2N.NOR - neutron interference function
of SiO2
- ASIO2X.NOR - X-ray interference function
of SiO2
- ARCAR.DAT - data file for structure refinement
- Program source codes
- Graphics programs
- PLOTG.EXE - (binary) program for ploting
on a TEK4010 and for creating HPGL 7475 file
- PLOTG.FOR - program for ploting without
graphics libraries....
Posted 14 Dec. 1994
Armel Le Bail
Laboratoire des Fluorures, CNRS-URA-449,
Université du Maine
F-72017 Le Mans Cedex, FRANCE
[email protected]