Crystallography World Wide
The CCSL Homepage is
The assistance of colleagues in Cuba is requested in
the creation of a local Cuban crystallographic library of
public domain, shareware, electronic information and
demonstration software for PC, DOS, and MS-Windows to
assist crystallographic and related scientific research.
Presently, internet links to the outside world are not of high
enough quality to allow the retrieval of crystallographic software over
the global scientific research networks. Thus scientific software and
information of this type must be obtained by conventional snail mail.
A list of software presently in the Cuban crystallography software
library is located (here!) at :-
If you can contribute public domain, shareware and demonstration
software to the library, please send the programs on 3.5" (1.44 Meg)
DOS formatted floppy disks to :-
Ariel Gomez
X-Ray Diffraction Lab, Chemistry Division,
CNIC (National Center for Scientific Research),
Ave 25 y 158, Rpto Cubanacan, Playa,
PO Box 6990, Ciudad de La Habana (Havana),
[email protected]
Phone: (53-7) 21-01-35
Fax: (53-7) 21-01-35 (not reliable)
It would also assist if you email Ariel in advance so that
unnecessary duplication of effort is minimised.
If colleagues know of crystallography software available on the
internet and not mentioned in the above World Wide Web page,
but it is too inconvenient for them to send by snail mail,
please send information on the software (which can then be downloaded
and forwarded) to :-
Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
15 Linden Ave,
Heidelberg, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3081.
Phone/Fax: (613) 9455-1345
[email protected]
List of Programs
ABSORP fortran Code - Feb 1996.
ADESH Demonstration Software - May 1996.
- ARITVE Fortran Code (and
Australian Mirror) - Feb 1996.
Babel - June 1996.
- BLAF - Bulg. Acad. of Sc.
Capilliary Loader Postscript Files - Feb 1996.
CCP14 - June 1996.
Convert for DOS - CRI, New Zealand - Feb 1996.
Convert for MS-Windows - Feb 1996.
- Crystallographica for Windows
- Feb 1996.
- Demonstration
version of commercial Crystallographica software from Oxford
Cryosystems, UK. Tool kit for crystallography including crystal
structure drawing package, powder pattern simulation and lots of
user-friendly dialogs
- At
- Crystals for DOS
- June 1996.
David Hay Powder X-ray Diffraction Software for MS-Windows - Feb 1996.
- DBWS 9006 for DOS (and
Australian Mirror).
DBWS-9411 (release 30.3.95) for DOS - Feb 1996.
- DICVOL91 (Louer) for DOS
- Powder X-ray Diffraction Indexing software
- Obtainable over the internet as part of the
CCP14 at and PC Zipped version
is in the PCZIP subdirectory of the ftp site.
- DMPLOT for DOS (and
Australian Mirror)
- Feb 1996.
- DRX - Eladio Vila.
DRXWIN for DOS - May 1996.
- EDDA - Leif Gerward
- FIT - Petkov
FAT Rietan for DOS - June 1996.
FULLPROF for DOS - June 1996.
GSAS for DOS - June 1996.
- ITO for DOS
Layer for DOS - Feb 1996.
- LEPAGE - Spek
- LINES 2.0 - Graaf
- LS1 for DOS - 1992.
- Rietveld Powder X-ray Diffraction Software
- "Lutterotti and Scardi, J. Appl. Cryst. (1992). 25, 459-462".
E-mail: [email protected]
LSUCRI for DOS - Oct 1990
Molwin for Windows - 1st March, 1994.
Multan for DOS - 78 or 80??
- Data Evaluation and Database Building
ORTEP III for DOS - Must be run under DOS - June 1996.
- PDF2 - R.Allman(en un disco con LATCO)
Powder Cell 1.8 for DOS - March 1996.
- POWABS - Brian W. Lucas
- PROFIT - Toraya
- PROFIT - D.G.Hay (H.Scott)
- PWDCSD - Taupin
R2I for DOS - Mar 1996.
Rasmol for Windows - May 1996.
- R-CELL - F.N.Blanchard
- REDUCT - Werner
- SCANIX 2.0 - W.Paszkowicz
SHELX86 for DOS - Also Provided with Crystals
SHELX93 for DOS - 1993.
- SIRPOW - C.Giacovazzo
- Space Group Explorer (SPE) for Windows - April 1996.
- Program for finding detailed information about the 230 Space Groups.
- Further Information from [email protected]
SR5-LHPM (Riet7) for DOS - June 1995.
Stefan Krumm Powder XRD and Clay Analysis software for Windows - Feb 1996.
- WINFIT - Powder X-ray Diffraction profile fitting, size strain analysis.
- THETA - d-spacings to/from 2-thetas.
- REGRESS - Simple regression and correlation analysis; supports Windows
clipboard and wmf-files for graphics exchange
- CNTRIFGE - Calculates settling times for grain-size separation by centrifuge methods
- ATERBURG - Program for calculation of settling times, grain diameters, falling heights
- QFAC - calculation of the broadening descriptor "Q" (Reynolds, 1989) for mixed
layer clays; separation of mixed-layer and crystallite size, broadening,
identification of mixed layer species
- WINSTRUC - calculation of 00l X-ray patterns, structure factors and LP-factors
for discrete clay minerals (simulation of different instruments,
size-distributions and strain)
- At
- STRUMO - I.D.Brown
Struplo for DOS - April 1996.
- TEXCAM - K.D.Rogers
TREOR90 for DOS - MRL/PSU Version Mar 1990
Variable Count Time (VCT) Information for DOS - Hill and Madsen
WPDB for Windows - June 1996.
- XLAT for DOS (and
Australian Mirror)
- Version 4.2
XPMA and ZORTEP for DOS - Mar 1996.
- Structure Viewing - with menu and mouse driven (Z)ORTEP software
- Optimised to work with Shelx
- Also reads DBWS and LHPM/RIET7/SR5 Rietveld structure files.
- At
- XTL-SIZE - A.G.Alvarez
- XRD - G.Kimmel
XRDCALC for Windows - Version 3.1, 1994-1995.
Go Direct!
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Rietveld (and related) Software for PC and Macs
19th June. 1996 -
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