Crystallography World Wide

Cuban Crystallographic Software Library (CCSL)

The CCSL Homepage is at


The assistance of colleagues in Cuba is requested in the creation of a local Cuban crystallographic library of public domain, shareware, electronic information and demonstration software for PC, DOS, and MS-Windows to assist crystallographic and related scientific research. Presently, internet links to the outside world are not of high enough quality to allow the retrieval of crystallographic software over the global scientific research networks. Thus scientific software and information of this type must be obtained by conventional snail mail.

Submitting Software | top

A list of software presently in the Cuban crystallography software library is located (here!) at :-

Please Note that the Crystallographic Nexus Software Library at is also sent to Cuba.

If you can contribute public domain, shareware and demonstration software to the library, please send the programs on 3.5" (1.44 Meg) DOS formatted floppy disks to :-

Ariel Gomez
X-Ray Diffraction Lab, Chemistry Division,
CNIC (National Center for Scientific Research),
Ave 25 y 158, Rpto Cubanacan, Playa,
PO Box 6990, Ciudad de La Habana (Havana),

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: (53-7) 21-01-35
Fax: (53-7) 21-01-35 (not reliable)

It would also assist if you email Ariel in advance so that unnecessary duplication of effort is minimised.

If colleagues know of crystallography software available on the internet and not mentioned in the above World Wide Web page, but it is too inconvenient for them to send by snail mail, please send information on the software (which can then be downloaded and forwarded) to :-

Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
15 Linden Ave,
Heidelberg, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3081.
Phone/Fax: (613) 9455-1345
E-mail: [email protected]

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19th June. 1996 - Volunteer Maintainer - Acknowledgements