YSU Structure Center &
Grant Information
Dr. Allen D. Hunter
Of Chemistry
College of
Arts and Sciences
School of Graduate
Studies and Research
Youngstown State University
One University Plaza
Youngstown, Ohio 44555-3663
5015 Ward Beecher Hall (office)
(330) 941-7176 (Office)
(330) 941-1579 (FAX)
Allen Hunter's Email Address: [email protected]
Allen Hunter's Home Page: http://www.as.ysu.edu/~adhunter/index.html
YSU Maag Library:
Link Electronic Journals Pages for Chemistry:
Link Electronic Data Bases for Chemistry:
Australian National University
Chemistry Department: (Where Allen spent a short 2003-2004
University of St. Andrews Chemistry
Department: (Where Allen spent his 2000-2001 Sabatical)
National Science Foundation
- Division of Chemistry: (Research & Instrumentation Funding)
American Chemical Society - Petroleum
Research Fund: (Research Funding)
National Science Foundation
- Division of Undergraduate Eduation: (Research & Instrumentation
National Science Foundation
- Division of Materials Research: (Research & Instrumentation
YSU Structure Center Faculty
YSU Structure Center Facilities
[See Also: Research Facilities
and Resources Available for Hunter’s Research. (Other YSU-Chemistry
- Bruker AXS P4 Automated
Diffractometer with Cu Radiation, Capillary Optics, Serial Detector, and
Low Temperature Capabilities for Single Crystal Studies.
- Bruker AXS P4 Automated
Diffractometer with Cu Radiation and Serial and Multi-Wire Area Detectors
for Powder, Single Crystal, and Macromolecular Studies.
- Bruker-Nonius APEX CCD
Diffractometer with Mo Radiation, Capillary Optics, and Low Temperature Capabilities
for Single Crystal and Powder Samples.
- Bruker-Nonius D8 Powder
Diffractometer with Cu Radiation, Optics for High Resolution Powder Data
- Varian Gemini-2000 400 MHz
NMR Spectrometer with four 5 and 10 mm probes and Variable Temperature, Multinuclear,
Pulsed Field Gradient, and Inverse Capabilities
- Varian/Anasazi EFT 60 MHz FT-NMR Spectrometer with 1D/2D 1H and 13C
- Finnigan
GCQ Mass Spectrometer with Negative Ion and Solids Capabilities along with
three other GC-MS Systems and a a high resolution mass spectrometer (with
FAB, Electrospray, etc., capabilities) now being installed
- Bruker-Daltonics Esquire
LC-MS with Electrospray, Negative Ion, and (MS)n Capabilities
- Materials Characterization Tools, including: GPC, DSC, TGA, Viscometry
- TA Instruments 2910 DSC
- TA Instruments 2050 TGA
- Cannon CT-518 Constant Temperature Bath for Viscometry
- GBC Instruments/Polymer Labs GPC-SEC System with Autosampler, Column
Oven, Diode Array UV-Visible and RI Detectors
- Jasco 410 FT-IR (0.9 cm-1 resolution)
- Vacuum Atmospheres HE-43-2 Inert Atmosphere Glove Boxes (2)
- MBraun Double Glove Boxes (2) with O2/H2O Sensors,
Refrigerators, High Capacity Dry Trains, etc.
- Electrochemistry Systems.
YSU Structure Center Goals
The central goal of the YSU
Structure Center is to serve the educational and research needs of the students
and faculty at Youngstown State University and at collaborating regional
colleges. We also offer our NMR and X-Ray diffraction facilities and
our consulting expertise to the larger American academic community and to
regional corporations on a time available basis.
Allen Hunter's YSU X-Ray Structure Solution
Guide: A Beginner's Introduction
I have prepared an approximately
275 page manual designed to help the crystallographic novice learn to carry
out a single crystal diffraction analysis. It has been optimized for
SHELXTL but would be useful for many programs. It is now being used
by approximately 200 user groups around the world. If you download
this manual, please email me (Dr. Allen
D. Hunter of the YSU Department of Chemistry) with your name, institutional
affiliation, and address so that I can keep a record of the users:
[email protected]
Reference Lists for Crystallography/Diffraction
- Crystallography-Diffraction Methods Textbook Reference List: 106KB.doc,
- Crystallography-Diffraction Methods Useful WEB Site Reference List:
under construction
- Crystallography-Diffraction Methods Papers Related to Teaching Reference
List: under construction
- Please feel free to make suggestions for corrections / additions to
these early draft reference and WEB site lists! I add titles/sites
as I find them.
Sessions on Crystallography / Diffraction
Methods at Future Conferences
- American Chemical Society for their Fall 2002 national meeting in Boston.
- Diffraction and Other Structural Methods in Undergraduate Education:
Educational Materials Development Grants:
Instrumentation Grants from YSU Science
- 1994
NSF 9403889: “Acquisition of a Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer,” T. R.
Wagner, A. D. Hunter, J. A. Jackson, and R. E. Beiersdorfer, the National
Science Foundation Division of Materials Research: Research at Undergraduate
Institutions Program (DMR 9403889), $71,199.
- OBoR Matching Funds Grant: 1994 OBoR: “Acquisition of a Single Crystal
X-Ray Diffractometer,” T. R. Wagner, A. D. Hunter, J. A. Jackson, and
R. E. Beiersdorfer, the Ohio Board of Regents Action Fund (CAP-098), $60,000,
- Funded the Purchase of 2 Bruker-AXS Systems.
- #1 Equipped with a X-1000 Multiwire Area Detector and Cu source.
- Primarily for Powder Studies and Secondarily for Single Crystal Studies.
- #2 Equipped with a LT2 Low Temperature System, Capillary Optics, and
Cu source.
- Small Molecule Single Crystal Studies.
- 1995
NSF 9551683: “Integration of GC-MS into the Undergraduate Curriculum,” J.
A. Jackson, A. D. Hunter, S. M. Schildcrout, R. L. Falconer, and T.
R. Wagner, the National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education
Instruments for Laboratory Improvement-Instrumentation Program, (DUE 9551683),
$34,450, 1995-96.
- Used to Purchase a Finnigan 1020 GC-MS with Solids Probe and Negative
Ion Capability
- 1995 OBoR: “Ohio NMR Consortium,” M.-D. Tsai, A. D. Hunter
and many others, the Ohio Board of Regents Investment Fund, (CAP-419), $3,000,000
overall, $200,000 to YSU, 1995-97.
- Used to Fund the Upgrade of the Varian Gemini-2000 400 MHz NMR purchased
with Department Funds.
- Also to Upgrade our 60 MHz CW 1H NMR to the Anasazi EFT 60 MHz 1H/13C
- 1995 OBoR: “Ohio Crystallography Consortium at Toledo,” J. E. Gano,
A. D. Hunter and many others, the Ohio Board of Regents Investment
Fund, (CAP-075) $815,000 overall, $35,000 to YSU, 1995-97.
- Used to Purchase a Computer Upgrade and Software for our Diffraction
- 1995
NSF 9552347 -DUE-ILI "An Investigative Science Laboratory": PI: Alan
Jacobs, Co-PIs: Jeff Dick, Daryl Mincey, and Scott Martin, $25,000 .
- 1995
NSF 9552374
"Restructuring the Physics Lab: A Remote Interactive Approach": PI:
Greg Sturrus, Co-PI: Stephen Hanzely.
- 1997
NSF 9751151 -DUE-ILI "Brownfields Investigations as an Integrated Approach
to Sampling, Sample Preparation, and Analysis": PI: Daryl Mincey,
Co-PIs: Renee Falconer, Tim Wagner, and Scott Martin, $78,375 from NSF.
- 1997 OBoR: “Computer Aided Instruction in the Department of Chemistry
at Youngstown State University,” J. A. Jackson, A. D. Hunter, T. D.
Kim, D. W. Mincey, and P. Norris, the Ohio Board of Regents Request for Technology
Initiatives, $100,747, 1997-98.
- Used to Purchase 16 Windows NT Computers and 24 Windows 95 Computers
Plus Printers and Software for our Chemistry Majors and Service Computer
Labs, Since Have been Regularly Upgraded with Internal Funds (Computer Fees).
- 1998
NSF 9851107: “Integration of Materials Characterization Throughout the Chemistry
and Physics Curricula: Purchase of Thermal Analysis, Viscometry, and Gel
Permeation/Size Exclusion Chromatography Equipment,” A. D. Hunter,
S. Brower, T. Kim, D. Mincey, and T. Wagner, the National Science Foundation
Division of Undergraduate Education Instruments for Laboratory Improvement-Instrumentation
Program, (DUE 9851107), $44,600, 1998-2001.
- TA Instruments 2910 DSC and 2050 TGA
- GBC Instruments/Polymer Labs GPC-SEC-HPLC
- Autosampler, Isocratic/Gradient Pump, RI and UV-Visible Diode Array
- Cannon CT-518 Constant Temperature Bath for Viscometry
- Jasco 410 FT-IR
- Vacuum Atmosphere HE-43-2 Inert Atmosphere Glove Box (Used)
- 1999
NSF 9981040 -DUE-CCL-A&I "Integration of Computer Technology into the
General Chemistry Curriculum": PI: Tim Wagner, Co-PI: Jim Mike, $94,945
- Used to Integrate Computers into the Collection and Analysis of Experimental
Data in the General Chemistry Lab (Lab Works)
- 1999 OBoR: "A Proposal to Establish a State-of-the-Art Ohio
Mass Spectrometry Consortium," P. G. Hatcher, A. D. Hunter, and others,
$1,860,000 overall, $88,900 to YSU, 1999-2002.
- 2000
NSF 0087210: “WEB Accessible Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer for
Undergraduate Instruction at a Consortium of Predominantly Undergraduate
Institutions,” A. D. Hunter, L. M. Hoistad, A. J. Jircitano, T. R. Wagner,
and E. P. Zovinka, the NSF: Division of Undergraduate Education, Course,
Curriculum, and Laboratory Instrumentation, Adapt & Implement, (Victoria
Bragin Program Officer, DUE 0087210), $200,000, 01/15/2001-01/14/2004.
- Bruker-Nonius APEX CCD Diffractometer With Mo Radiation, Capillary Optics,
Low Temperature System, etc.
- OBoR Match: 2000 OBoR: “WEB Accessible Single Crystal X-Ray
Diffractometer for Undergraduate Instruction at a Consortium of Predominantly
Undergraduate Institutions,” A. D. Hunter, L. M. Hoistad, A. J. Jircitano,
T. R. Wagner, and E. P. Zovinka, the Ohio Board of Reagents Action Fund,
(OBoR CAP-491), $75,000, 01/15/2001-01/14/2004.
- 2000 OBoR: "A Proposal for Fulfilling the Goals of the Ohio Mass Spectrometry
Consortium," P. G. Hatcher, A. D. Hunter, and others, Ohio Board of Regents
Investment Fund, $500,000 (no direct cash to YSU), 2000-2002.
- 2001
NSF 0116426: “RUI-MRI: Acquisition of a Powder X-Ray Diffractometer System,”
T. R. Wagner, R. E. Beiersdorfer, and A. D. Hunter, National Science Foundation
Research at Undergraduate Institutions Major Research Instrumentation proposal,
(CHEM 0116426), $170,310, 2001-2002.
- Bruker-Nonius D8 Powder Diffractometer (equipped with optics optimized
for high resolution/Rietveld work) for February 2002 Delivery.
- 2001 NSF 0121699: “Reciprocal Net – A Distributed Molecular Database,”
J. C. Huffman, G. Bernbom, J. C. Bollinger, W. S. Harwood, and G. D. Wiggins
(A. D. Hunter, Advisory Board, YSU-PUI Integration Site, and Crystallographic
Education Team Leader), NSF National Science Digital Libraries, NSDL, - Collection
(NSF 01-55), $996,903 ($5,000+ for YSU), 09/01/2001 – 08/31/2003.
- 2001
NSF 0130968: “RUI - Purchase of Glove Box and Vacuum Line Systems for Materials
Synthesis & Characterization,” A. D. Hunter, Larry S. Curtin, Sherri
R. Lovelace-Cameron, Timothy Wagner, National Science Foundation - Chemistry
Research Instrumentation and Facilities, $131,779, 01/01/2002 - 12/31/2004.
- Funded for 2 "High End" Inert Atmosphere Glove Boxes (i.e., with O2/H20
Sensors, Refrigerators, etc.) and 10 Inert Atmosphere Vacuum Lines for the
Advanced Synthesis Lab.
Recent Research Grants from Hunter and
Other YSU Science Faculty:
- 2000 CUR/NSF DMR: “Charge Density Studies on Single-Site Transition
Metal Olefin Polymerization Catalysts,” A. D. Hunter, the Council on Undergraduate
Research / NSF-DMR Materials Research Linkages Project, $800, 2000.
- 2000
NSF 0086313: “US-UK Cooperative Education and Research: Structural Investigations
of Main Group Heterocyclic Rings and Cages,” A. D. Hunter, NSF: International
Division (Western Europe), Collaborative Projects, (Rose Gombay Program Officer,
INT-WE 0086313), $13,200, 02/01/2001-12/31/2001.
- 2000
NSF 0097682: “REU – Research Experience for Chemistry at Youngstown
State University: A Bridge Between Four-Year Colleges and Ph.D. Research
Universities,” D. W. Mincey, A. D. Hunter, John A. Jackson, Sherri R. Lovelace-Cameron,
and Timothy R. Wagner, NSF - Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program,
(John Stevens Program Officer, CHEM 0097682), $180,000 for 05/01/2001-04/30/2004.
- 001 NSF 0111511: “RUI - Organometallic NanoStars,” A. D. Hunter, National
Science Foundation Research at Undergraduate Institutions research proposal,
(Katherine Covert Program Officer, CHEM & DMR 0111511), $350,000, 07/15/2001-07/14/2004.
- 2001 PRF 37228-B3: “Electroactive Organometallic NanoStars,” A. D.
Hunter, American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, Type B, $30,000,
- 2001 NSF 0128154: “REU in Chemistry at YSU: AWARE (Australia)
REU Supplement Request,” A. D. Hunter and S. R. Lovelace-Cameron, NSF - RUI
- AWARE - Australia program (INT-EAP 01-117), $48,746, 05/01/2002 - 04/30/2004.
Other YSU Teaching Grants
- 1998
NSF 9850079: “Investigative Approaches in the Natural Sciences,” J. D. Usis,
C. Singler, and A. D. Hunter, the National Science Foundation, Division
of Undergraduate Education, Institution-Wide Reform Initiative, (DUE 9850079),
$183,579, 1998-2001.
- Used to Develop and Institute a Hands On Active Learning Laboratory
Course that is Now Part of the General Education Program for All YSU Students.
- 1999
NSF 9987080 -EHR "CSEMS Technology Leaders Scholarship Program": $200,000
from NSF, PI: Jim Mike, Co-PIs: Bob Kramer, Scott Martin, and Bernadette
- 1999 OBoR: “Ohio Science Teaching,” Bill Rauckhorst, and others, A.
D. Hunter YSU representative, Ohio Board of Regents, $4,000 for YSU, 1999-2001.
- Used to Facilitate the Dissemination of Science Teaching Methods in
- 1997
NSF-DUE-ILI "Modernization of Instrumentation in a Physical Measurements
Course": $44,122 from NSF, PI: Frank Krygowski, Co-PI: Theodore Bosela.
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about this page can be directed by email to [email protected].
This page was last updated: March 24th, 2004.
Copyright: 2004, Dr. Allen D. Hunter, Department of Chemistry, Youngstown
State University