YSU Structure Center &

Grant Information

Dr. Allen D. Hunter (Director)

Department Of Chemistry
College of Arts and Sciences
School of Graduate Studies and Research
Youngstown State University
One University Plaza
Youngstown, Ohio 44555-3663

5015 Ward Beecher Hall (office)
(330) 941-7176 (Office)
(330) 941-1579 (FAX)

Allen Hunter's Email Address: [email protected]
Allen Hunter's Home Page: http://www.as.ysu.edu/~adhunter/index.html

YSU Maag Library:
Ohio Link Electronic Journals Pages for Chemistry:
Ohio Link Electronic Data Bases for Chemistry:
Australian National University Chemistry Department:  (Where Allen spent a short 2003-2004 Sabbatical)
University of St. Andrews Chemistry Department:  (Where Allen spent his 2000-2001 Sabatical)
National Science Foundation - Division of Chemistry: (Research & Instrumentation Funding)
American Chemical Society - Petroleum Research Fund: (Research Funding)
National Science Foundation - Division of Undergraduate Eduation: (Research & Instrumentation Funding)
National Science Foundation - Division of Materials Research: (Research & Instrumentation Funding)

YSU Structure Center Faculty

YSU Structure Center Facilities
[See Also: Research Facilities and Resources Available for Hunter’s Research. (Other YSU-Chemistry Equipment)]
YSU Structure Center Goals

        The central goal of the YSU Structure Center is to serve the educational and research needs of the students and faculty at Youngstown State University and at collaborating regional colleges.  We also offer our NMR and X-Ray diffraction facilities and our consulting expertise to the larger American academic community and to regional corporations on a time available basis.

Allen Hunter's YSU X-Ray Structure Solution Guide: A Beginner's Introduction

        I have prepared an approximately 275 page manual designed to help the crystallographic novice learn to carry out a single crystal diffraction analysis.  It has been optimized for SHELXTL but would be useful for many programs.  It is now being used by approximately 200 user groups around the world.  If you download this manual, please email me (Dr. Allen D. Hunter of the YSU Department of Chemistry) with your name, institutional affiliation, and address so that I can keep a record of the users: [email protected]

Reference Lists for Crystallography/Diffraction Methods
Sessions on Crystallography / Diffraction Methods at Future Conferences
Educational Materials Development Grants:
Instrumentation Grants from YSU Science Faculty:
Recent Research Grants from Hunter and Other YSU Science Faculty:
Other YSU Teaching Grants

YSU Structure Center Links
Return to YSU Department of Chemistry Home Page
Return to Dr. Allen D. Hunter's Home Page

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This page was last updated: March 24th, 2004.

Copyright:  2004, Dr. Allen D. Hunter, Department of Chemistry, Youngstown State University