The central goal of the YSU
Structure Center is to serve the educational and research needs of the
students and faculty at Youngstown State University and at collaborating
regional colleges. We also offer our NMR and X-Ray diffraction facilities
and our consulting expertise to the larger American academic community
and to regional corporations on a time available basis.
These diffraction instruments
are available for both teaching and research studies, particularly for
faculty and students from other predominantly undergraduate schools. Single
crystals may be submitted to the facility for diffraction analysis on a
collaborative basis. Alternatively, instrument time is available on both
instruments for external users.
It is the policy of the YSU
Chemistry Department to make all of its scientific instrumentation available
to faculty and students from predominantly undergraduate institutions at
no direct cost. Faculty and students from PhD and other research
institutions may be charged some small fee. Industrial Scientists
will be given access to this instrumentation at a cost dependent on the
level of student involvement in their projects.
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This page was last updated: January 20th, 1999.