Some Powder Diffraction
Highly Cited Papers
From papers published in the 1975-2000 range, and cited at least
40 times.
Source : ISI - Science Citation
Index - March 2001.
Selection Conditions
Search of words "powder*" AND "diffract*" OR "powder*" AND "index*"
OR "Rietveld" OR "powder*" AND "x-ray" OR "Debye" AND "Scherrer" OR "Guinier"
AND "Hagg" OR "powder*" AND "refine*" or "powder*" AND "data" OR "powder*"
AND "neutron", occuring in the paper title. This ensures that the
authors considered that powder diffraction was the main topic of their
Note that ISI does not index all journals.
Many software cited but unpublished or not published in ISI indexed journals
are excluded (FULLPROF, etc), other are included, thanks to informations
from the authors.
Papers anterior to 1975 are excluded (with two exceptions for 2 papers
from H.M. Rietveld and one paper from J.W. Visser).
Detected fevers are bonded to research on superconductors,
initio structure determination by powder diffractometry (SDPD)...
Other highly cited papers are papers on new methods/programs, or applications
to subject interesting a large audience (new fever is about nanocrystalline
See the discussion at the Rietveld
Mailing List archives.
If your paper(s) escaped, send the reference to : [email protected].
That list is more indicative than exhaustive, and it will be false one
week later.....
Another less restrictive list is available,
including papers not having the above keywords in the title, but having
them in the abstract. Note that few abstracts are available in the ISI
database before 1991. Note also that this was made by using the trial Web
of Science, with the following limits : no more than 500 papers can be
processed together, and no more than 300 papers can be sorted together
according to the times cited (as far as I know).
See also 3 other lists of most cited papers about indexing,
factor extraction, and special methods
for SDPD.
Armel Le Bail -March 2001
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