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EXPGUI Tutorial: Garnet (part 1)

1. Creating the Experiment

Start EXPGUI. In the file selection window, enter the working directory you want to use, and select the .EXP file you want to use. In this case, I typed in "garnet" rather than select an existing file. Note that capitalization you use does not matter and .EXP is added by default after clicking "Read" or pressing Return.
Since the file does not exist, a warning is shown. The file should be created, so press the "Create" button.
At this point you are prompted to enter a title for the run. After this is done, EXPGUI opens to the LS controls pane. Unlike EXPEDT, EXPGUI does not set a default for the number of cycles, so set this here. I also suggest setting the print options to print a summary of shifts and that extraction of Fobs be selected.

Previous: Introduction
Next step: Add a phase and atoms to the Experiment

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Last modified 18-July-2003
$Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2002/04/12 21:34:08 $