DPLOTLIB Revision History

You can check for updates to this documentation at http://www.dplot.com/lib/index.htm.
2 Oct 2002Corrected a problem with sending large chunks of data via DDE. Initial version caused DPlot to crash if you attempted to plot (for example) more than about 5460 3D points, or 16384 Y values per XY curve. This version will plot an arbitrarily large number of points.
10 Oct 2002Removed as much compiler-specific features from the FORTRAN example as possible, and now includes source files tailored for Compaq Visual FORTRAN and Absoft FORTRAN.
23 Oct 2002Added DPlot_Command and DPlot_Request.
19 Nov 2002Added LCC-WIN32 example.
22 Nov 2002Added MS FORTRAN PowerStation example. Corrected an error in the documentation for DPlot_Request.
24 Nov 2002Added GNU FORTRAN 77 (g77) and Borland C++ examples. Thanks to Tommy Bevins for providing the g77 example. Modified header file dplot.h so that it will work with both C++ and C projects.
10 Mar 2003Added DPlot_PlotBitmap, DPlot_PlotToRect, DPlot_GetBitmap, DPlot_Start, and DPlot_Stop functions.
4 July 2003Added DPlot_SetErrorMethod, DPlot_AddData, and DPlot_GetBitmapEx.
14 Aug 2003Added DPlot_GetEnhMetaFile. Added much more specific error messages which are displayed by the method specified with DPlot_SetErrorMethod. Increased the timeout value for all DDE transactions to 20 seconds (from previous value of 1 second). This should be sufficient to allow the most complex plots (i.e. contour plots with > 50000 points) to be created on older systems.
25 Nov 2003Added support for 3D scatter plots.
20 May 2004Added DPlot_Plot8, DPlot_PlotToRect8, DPlot_PlotBitmap8, DPlot_AddData8, double-precision versions of the functions with the same name w/o the "8" suffix. Also added DPlot_GetVersion.
27 Jun 2004Added VB.NET examples.
14 Jul 2004Added DPlot_ZFromXY.
28 Jan 2005Added DPlot_3DBorder.
20 Feb 2006Added DPlot_MinVersion.
22 Feb 2006Changed the way DPlot_Start works. It will now use DPlot Jr if it meets the minimum version criteria but the full version does not. The minimum version criteria can be set with a call to DPlot_MinVersion. The default value is currently
28 Mar 2006Modified VB.NET examples to work correctly with Visual Basic 2005.

As always, questions, comments, suggestions and criticisms are always welcome at [email protected]. You may also find ideas for solving a particular problem at the DPlot Forums: http://www.dplot.com/forums/index.php.


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