For other information, see the Ghostscript overview and the instructions on how to build Ghostscript.
This document describes the process that artofcode LLC, the copyright holder of Ghostscript, uses for making new Ghostscript releases. As time goes on, it will become a more suitable document for others wishing to prepare releases for distribution. Please note that although the Aladdin Free Public License allows anyone to prepare and distribute releases in accordance with its terms and conditions, this document is really meant only for developers working closely with artofcode LLC.
This document is primarily about AFPL Ghostscript releases. See the section on GNU releases below for information on making a GNU Ghostscript release from an existing AFPL Ghostscript release, and the section on fonts for information on releasing font packages.
The release process is evolving. This document is not necessarily up to date in all particulars.
File names below that don't include an explicit subdirectory name are in the src subdirectory.
If you do plan to make your own distribution, please be aware of some items you will want to change.
The AFPL Ghostscript files are maintained on sites accessible to the public. One specific site hosts the active CVS repository for code, data, and documentation, and the bug report data base; several sites offer distributions with version numbers, intended for wider distribution.
While we are in the process of transitioning to, the primary repository for AFPL Ghostscript is still SourceForge ( Please read the SourceForge AFPL Ghostscript home page ( first. CVS access information is available at
Stable, beta, and development releases are all available from
Stable releases are also distributed from
Development releases are also distributed from
This document only discusses source distributions. Source distributions currently can only be made on Linux systems (but it probably wouldn't take much work to support other Unix systems). Ghostscript as distributed also often includes executables or other packages for the Windows and MacOS environments, but artofcode does not produce these, and this document does not discuss them. For more information about Windows packages, please contact [email protected]; for more information about MacOS packages, please contact [email protected].
To make a source distribution, you will need the scripts and data files in the toolbin/ directory. You will probably find it convenient to include this directory in the PATH, but the instructions below don't assume that you have done this. To run the scripts, you will need reasonably current versions of Tcl, freely available from Scriptics (, and Python, freely available from
The instructions below also refer to some files that are deliberately omitted from the public distribution, because they are copyrighted by their authors and not freely redistributable. You will need to provide similar files for your environment.
data/*/*.ps (PostScript files) - needed for smoke testing beta.msg - the announcement message for the release
Update references to the date:
Also in doc/News.htm, update the number of the highest closed bug and the list of open bugs.
Check in gscdef.c that the definition of GS_PRODUCT includes the appropriate one of "DEVELOPMENT RELEASE", "BETA RELEASE", or neither, and does not include "CVS PRE-RELEASE".
Check for patched configuration parameters, #define TESTs, version/date inconsistencies, and mismatches between the working directory and the CVS repository by running:
This program compares the result of various greps against a check file, writing the results of grep on one output file and the differences from the check file on another. See the source code of toolbin/pre for the default file names. The important one is the check file, toolbin/pre.chk. pre also verifies that the right information is in the following places:
If necessary, run
toolbin/pre update
to update the version and revision date in the doc files, and then run
again. Note: this script currently generates a number of spurious warnings.
Check the consistency of the source code with the makefiles by running:
toolbin/gsmake.tcl check
Note that this script seems to generate spurious warnings.
Check that all source and .ps files are documented at least minimally by running:
toolbin/hrefcov.tcl +src toolbin/hrefcov.tcl +lib
Edit the makefile (presumably unix-gcc.mak) to set
This will help catch compilation problems.
rm obj/* make -j2 >& t.log
and look for warnings and errors in the log file.
Do a smoke test in a separate window, replacing /gs with the name of the development root directory if necessary:
unset GS_DEVICE GS_FONTPATH GS_LIB GS_OPTIONS cd /tmp /gs/bin/gs -I/gs/lib -I/gs/fonts -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH /gs/toolbin/ | tee t export TEMP=/gs/tmp /gs/bin/gs -I/gs/lib -I/gs/fonts -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=bitcmyk\ -sOutputFile=/dev/null -r600 -dBufferSpace=50000 /gs/toolbin/ | tee t
This reads files named
/gs/data/ps/*.ps /gs/data/psl2/*.ps /gs/data/psl3/*.ps /gs/data/test/*.ps
(Edit toolbin/ ad lib to use other test sets.) Watch for crashes, unusual error messages, or anomalous displayed output. If there are any problems, start over from the beginning of the process.
cvs commit
to ensure the repository is up to date.
toolbin/ -v #.## > doc/Changes.htm
This consolidates all the CVS logs since the previous release in a readable format. Note: the tool currently in the distribution is not branch-aware. The Changes.htm file for the 7.04 release was made using a patched version, and this command line: -j gs7_03 -r-rGS_7_0X -v 7.04 > doc/Changes.htm
tclsh % source toolbin/makeset.tcl % makehist
This updates doc/History#.htm from doc/News.htm and doc/Changes.htm. Then run
cvs commit
again to check in the Changes and history files.
For the unix source distributions only, generate the configure scripts. From the top level directory, run
This should create links to and in the top level directory and invoke autoconf to create the configure script../ make clean
You should then verify that only, configure, exist as files at the top level. Running ./configure will create a number of files that should not be distributed. 'make clean' may or may not remove these depending on the version.
Make the source archives with
tclsh % source toolbin/makeset.tcl % maketars
This creates the files
ghostscript-#.##.tar.gz (main archive) ghostscript-#.##.tar.bz2 (main archive)
For Windows testing, you will need, in addition to the files listed under "Preparing the source" above:
toolbin/makewin (link to makeset.tcl)
The following procedures rely on a large number of MS-DOS batch scripts that are not discussed here: they are unlikely to be generally useful.
Mount the Windows partition on /c, and create the /c/work directory if needed.
Make the zip archive of all files needed for a Windows build, and copy it to the Windows partition:
toolbin/makewin cp /c/work
Boot into Windows. Unpack the archive:
cd \work unzip -oq gs###
The gs###.bat script creates some necessary directories, sets up PATH and GS_LIB for testing, and makes the gs#.## directory current.
Build with the Borland compiler:
config bcwin32 copy /y /b ..\gs\makefile erase obj\*.* make > bc.log
Smoke test the executables (both gswin32 and gswin32c), as described above for source distributions. Then build with the Microsoft compiler:
config msvc32 copy /y /b ..\gs\makefile erase obj\*.* nmake > msvc.log
Smoke test these executables too.
Building with the Watcom compiler doesn't work, because the wmake or wmakel program runs out of memory. However, if it did work, this is how to do it:
config watcw32 copy /y /b ..\gs\makefile erase obj\*.* wmake -u > watc.log
Boot back into Linux. If testing in Windows revealed problems, edit the source files as necessary, and go back to "Preparing the source code."
If you are maintaining local master copies, execute
This creates a master/### directory if necessary, and moves the archives to it.
Tag the source files with the release number by executing
Upload ghostscript-#.##.tar.* to SourceForge (by anonymous FTP to, directory /incoming), and then post it using the "File Release" facility in the AFPL Ghostscript project. If this is a test release, put it in the gs-test module, otherwise put it in the ghostscript module. If you are adding Windows executables to an existing source release, please use the same release date as the source release, not the current date.cvs tag gs#_##
If ansi2knr.c has changed, put it on
If doc/C-style.htm has changed, put it on
Do the steps for distributions in general.
Upload ghostscript-#.##.tar.* to
Construct the e-mail announcement by editing beta.msg. Mail using:
To: gs-test
Update the title (current version #), first heading (previous version #), and "new features" and "known problems" lists in doc/Current.htm.
Do the steps for distributions in general.
Create a directory at In that directory, store the following files:
ghostscript-#.##.tar.gz ghostscript-#.##.tar.bz2 gs###w32.exe
In any case, the names of the links in the distribution directory should reflect the original name of the upstream file.jpegsrc.v$$.tar.gz -> ../../3rdparty/jpegsrc.v$$.tar.gz libpng-$.$.$.tar.gz -> ../../3rdparty/libpng-$.$.$.tar.gz zlib-$.$.$.tar.gz -> ../../3rdparty/zlib-$.$.$.tar.gz jpegsr$$.zip -> ../../3rdparty/jpegsr$$.zip lpng$$$.zip -> ../../3rdparty/lpng$$$.zip zlib$$$.zip -> ../../3rdparty/zlib$$$.zip
ghostscript-fonts-other-$.$.tar.gz -> ../fonts/ghostscript-fonts-other-$.$.tar.gz ghostscript-fonts-std-$.$.tar.gz -> ../fonts/ghostscript-fonts-std-$.$.tar.gz
(Note that the link names are somewhat inconsistent: some of them retain the version number of the file being referenced, and some of them use the Ghostscript version number. This is a historical artifact that might be changed someday.)
E-mail the release announcement using:
To: gs-announce
Edit the Web pages in cvs and commit to reflect the new release. The Wisconsin server should update automatically.
Update the version number by incrementing it:
In gscdef.c, edit the definition of GS_PRODUCT to include "CVS PRE-RELEASE".
Edit doc/News.htm to remove all the content.
artofcode LLC re-releases each tested AFPL Ghostscript version with the GPL, as GNU Ghostscript, when the next tested AFPL Ghostscript version comes out.
Note: This section is completely out of date. We no longer use toolbin/makegnu to automatically create the GNU releases.
To make a GNU Ghostscript release from AFPL Ghostscript release #.##, run
toolbin/makegnu #.##
This reads the files
/gs/master/#.##/ghostscript-#.##.tar.gz /gs/master/#.##/ghostscript-#.##gnu.tar.gz
and creates the file
Note that the makegnu script uses a program called copyrite that rewrites the copyright notices. The copyrite program is intentionally not distributed with Ghostscript.
Upload the file /tmp/gnu-gs-#.##.tar.gz to Delete the file after uploading.
E-mail the full URL and the md5sum of the new archive(s) to [email protected].
artofcode LLC distributes a package of the base 35 PostScript fonts, and a package of other miscellaneous fonts. As with the Ghostscript code, each package is released both with the AFPL and with the GPL; however, unlike the Ghostscript code, artofcode releases these versions simultaneously rather than with a one-version delay.
To make the font packages, run the command
toolbin/makefonts #.##
This creates the following files:
ghostscript-fonts-std-#.##.tar.gz ghostscript-fonts-other-#.##.tar.gz gnu-gs-fonts-std-#.##.tar.gz gnu-gs-fonts-other-#.##.tar.gz
The first two of these use the AFPL, and should be uploaded to The other two use the GPL, and should be uploaded to For the GNU release, also see "After releasing (GNU)".
Copyright © 1999, 2000 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of AFPL Ghostscript. See the Aladdin Free Public License (the "License") for full details of the terms of using, copying, modifying, and redistributing AFPL Ghostscript.
Ghostscript version 7.04, 31 January 2002