Release of GNU Ghostscript 5.50

Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 19:03:36 -0800
From: "L. Peter Deutsch" 
Subject: GNU Ghostscript 5.50 is available
GNU Ghostscript 5.50 is now available. The files for this release are now available from
The Web pages have not yet been updated.

Please note that the tarballs are now named gnu-gs-* rather than ghostscript-*, to avoid confusion with Aladdin Ghostscript.

The content of GNU Ghostscript 5.50 is Aladdin Ghostscript 5.50 with two enhancements:

Please do not report problems with GNU Ghostscript 5.50 to Aladdin Enterprises (unless we did something really obvious and stupid in packaging the release): GNU Ghostscript releases are Free software and come with NO WARRANTY and NO SUPPORT. Aladdin Enterprises only accepts problem reports for the most recent release of Aladdin Ghostscript (currently Aladdin Ghostscript 6.0, released on February 3).

We have established a GNU Ghostscript project on SourceForge (, a well-maintained site that offers free accounts and tools for Free and Open Source software development. We will soon populate this project with the GNU Ghostscript 5.50 sources. If you are interested in joining the developers' group for this project, giving you write access to the CVS repository and to the bug data base, please contact us.


L. Peter Deutsch           |               Aladdin Enterprises
[email protected]          | | 203 Santa Margarita Ave.
+1-650-322-0103 (9-12 M-F) | fax +1-650-322-1734    | Menlo Park, CA 94025
	The future of software is at