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Si voleu instal·lar el GSview manualment, vegeu el tema Instal·lació manual.
La configuració es durà a terme el primer cop que s'executi el GSview. Si voleu canviar la configuració més tard, utilitzeu Opcions | Configuració fàcil o bé Opcions | Configuració avançada.
Vegeu també Opcions | Idioma.
Obtenció del Ghostscript
Instal·lació del Ghostscript
Desinstal·lació del GSview
Instal·lació manual
Manual avançat dinstal·lació
Instal·lació de xarxa
Execució del GSview des del Gestor de fitxers o l'Explorador del Windows
Per configurar el GSview, obtingueu i instal·leu el Ghostscript i el GSview, llavors executeu el GSview.
del directori del sistema apropiat.
Per al Windows NT potser també necessitareu suprimir el gsview32.ini dels directoris de perfils d'usuaris.
Suprimiu el grup Ghostgum del Gestor de grups o del Menú d'inici
Si sabeu com editar el registre, suprimiu les següents claus:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\psfile HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.eps HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ps HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/postscript
Si vau associar els PDF amb el GSview també necessitareu suprimir
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\pdffile HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.pdf HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/pdf
El millor mètode de desinstal·lar el Ghostscript és utilitzar l'Afegeix o suprimeix programes des del Tauler de control del Windows.
Per desinstal·lar manualment el Ghostscript, suprimiu els fitxers del directori gsN.NN, on N.NN és el número de versió del Ghostscript.
Definiu la variable dentorn TEMP perquè apunti a un directori per als fitxers temporals. Per exemple:
SET TEMP=c:\temp
El directori ha dexistir i ha destar-hi permesa lescriptura.
Primer necessiteu instal·lar el Ghostscript, més els seus fitxers de biblioteca i fonts. Necessiteu la versió del Ghostscript que hi ha llistada a la Introducció. Aquesta versió del GSview no funcionarà amb daltres versions del Ghostscript. Instal·leu el Ghostscript al directori c:\gs\gsN.NN (Reemplaceu N.NN per el número de la versió del Ghostscript.)
Creeu un directori c:\ghostgum\gsview
Després instal·leu el GSview per al Windows copiant el gsview32.exe, gsv16spl.exe, gvwgs32.exe, gsvw32de.dll, gsvw32es.dll, gsvw32fr.dll, gsvw32it.dll, gsviewen.hlp, gsviewde.hlp, gsviewes.hlp, gsviewfr.hlp, gsviewit.hlp i el printer.ini al directori c:\ghostgum\gsview.
Inicieu el GSview i seleccioneu la versió apropiada del Ghostscript (normalment lúltima). Per canviar-ho més endavant, utilitzeu Opcions | Configuració fàcil.
Per a un major control sobre la instal·lació, vegeu el Manual avançat dinstal·lació.
Primer definiu correctament els tres camps de texts (vegeu Configuració avançada).
Al quadre de diàleg Configuració avançada, seleccioneu els quadres de verificació Copia els paràmetres predeterminats de la impressora, Associa els fitxers .ps amb el GSview i Crea elements al menú dinici, o seguiu respectivament els següents tres passos.
1. Sortiu del GSview, i després afegiu el printer.ini al fitxer INI del GSview (c:\windows\gsview32.ini)
2. Afegiu els tipus de fitxer .ps i .eps (i opcionalment els .pdf) al Registre.
3. Creeu un element al Gestor de programes o al menú dinici per al GSview.
Si teniu alguns tipus de lletra Type 1 al sistema, és possible dir-li al Ghostscript que les utilitzi. Vegeu Fontmap.os2 i Fontmap.atm que es donen amb el Ghostscript per a exemples. Vegeu el tema Fonts.
Si teniu problemes, proveu de llegir el tema d'ajuda Problemes comuns.
Quan un usuari iniciï el per primer cop, o iniciï el GSview després que el número de versió hagi canviat, el GSview configurarà l'ordinador local.
L'ús d'un directori UNC quan s'instal·la el GSview no funciona des del Windows 3.1, però si des del Windows 95.
El GSview intenta mantenir un fitxer de configuració per cada usuari. Si els perfils d'usuari s'estan utilitzant sota el Windows 95 o l'NT, el GSview emmagatzemarà el fitxer INI al directori del perfil de l'usuari, tal i com s'indiqui al registre. Si aquest no es pot trobar, i la variable d'entorn USERPROFILE s'ha definit i és un directori, el GSview emmagatzemarà el fitxer INI a aquest directori. Si això fallés, el GSview emmagatzemarà el fitxer INI a la ubicació predeterminada, el directori del Windows. Si el directori del perfil de l'usuari existeix, però hi té protegida l'escriptura, el GSview tindrà un problema.
Si voleu que el GSview no us mostri la Configuració fàcil quan s'executa per primer cop, o sempre que s'actualitzi el GSview, situeu un fitxer INI al directori del GSview. Recordeu suprimir aquest fitxer abans d'actualitzar el GSview en el futur. Només hauria de contenir aquelles entrades que voleu sobreescriure a la configuració dels usuaris. La tècnica que es suggereix és instal·lar el GSview, i després configurar-lo. Copieu el gsview32.ini o el gvpm.ini del directori del sistema o del directori del perfil de l'usuari al directori del GSview, i després editeu-lo per suprimir totes les entrades excepte:
[GSview-4.7] Version=4.7 GSversion=850 Configured=1 GhostscriptDLL=e:\gs\gs8.50\bin\gsdll32.dll GhostscriptInclude=e:\gs\gs8.50\lib;e:\gs\fonts GhostscriptOther=-dNOPLATFONTS -sFONTPATH="c:\psfonts"
Quan un usuari inicia el GSview, normalment s'utilitza el seu fitxer INI. El primer cop que s'inicia el GSview, o quan la versió del GSview no coincideix amb el fitxer INI, passa el següent:
1. Es llegeix el fitxer INI al directori del GSview, tot substituint el fitxer INI dels usuaris.
2. S'actualitza la llista d'impressores al directori del GSview.
3. NO es fan o es canvien associacions dels fitxers (.ps, .eps, .pdf). Si les voleu canviar heu d'utilitzar Opcions | Configuració avançada.
4. NO es canvien els grups del Gestor de Programes / elements del menú d'inici / dreceres del programa. Si els voleu canviar heu d'utilitzar Opcions | Configuració avançada.
Si l'esteu instal·lant al Windows NT4/2000, i seleccioneu "Tots els usuaris", llavors l'instal·lador escriurà aquest gsview32.ini al directori del GSview. Heu de tenir instal·lat el Ghostscript primer.
Quan un usuari intenta utilitzar el programa de desinstal·lació del GSview, s'intenta suprimir els fitxers del GSview i del Ghostscript a la xarxa. Assegureu-vos que els directoris del GSview i del Ghostscript no poden ser escrits pels usuaris. Per a més seguretat, podeu suprimir el fitxer uninstal.txt del directori del GSview.
Alternativament, si voleu instal·lar el GSview a cada ordinador sense cap sol·licitud, descomprimiu l'arxiu autoextraïble i després executeu el programa d'instal·lació així:
setup -nom "El vostre nom" -numero XXXXX-XXXXX "c:\ghostgum"
Per executar el GSview quan es fa doble clic a un fitxer PostScript al Gestor de fitxers, s'ha de seguir la seqüència següent per ensenyar-li al Gestor de fitxers quant als fitxers PostScript.
Des del Gestor de programes, executeu l'Editor d'informació del registre Fitxer | Executa... i teclegeu regedit. Des de l'Editor d'informació del registre seleccioneu Edita | Afegeix un tipus de fitxer... i introduïu els camps següents:
Identificador = psfile Tipus de fitxer = PostScript Acció = Open Ordre = c:\ghostgum\gsview\gsview32 %1 Utilitza DDE = Sense marcar Acció = Print Ordre = c:\ghostgum\gsview\gsview32 /p %1 Utilitza DDE = Sense marcar
Llavors premeu D'acord.
Des del Gestor de fitxers, seleccioneu Fitxer | Associa i llavors introduïu els següents camps:
Fitxers amb l'extensió = ps Associa amb = PostScript (gsview)
Desrpés premeu D'acord.
Ja està! Ara quan feu doble clic a un fitxer PostScript, el Gestor de fitxers executarà el GSview. Quan arrossegueu un fitxer PostScript al Gestor d'impressió, el GSview imprimirà el fitxer. Si teniu una impressora PostScript, això no us serà útil. En aquest cas, haureu de suprimir l'acció Print del registre.
Per al Windows 95, la configuració es fa amb l'Explorador del Windows.
Inicieu l'Explorador del Windows. Seleccioneu Visualització | Opcions. Seleccioneu la pestanya Tipus de fitxers. Seleccioneu el botó Crea un tipus. Introduïu els següents camps:
Descripció del tipus = PostScript Extensió associada = PS EPS
Premeu el botó Crea, i introduïu
Acció = open Aplicació utilitzada per dur a terme l'acció = c:\ghostgum\gsview\gsview32.exe
Premeu el botó D'acord
Premeu el botó Crea, i introduïu
Acció = print Aplicació utilitzada per dur a terme l'acció = c:\ghostgum\gsview\gsview32.exe /p
Premeu el botó D'acord.
Premeu el botó Tanca.
Premeu el botó Tanca.
Ara mateix l'import del registre és de 40 AUD$. El GSview es pot registrar en línia a
o enviant per fax o per correu el formulari de registre que podeu trobar al fitxer regorder.txt al directori del GSview. Ghostgum Software prefereix que utilitzeu el registre en línia.
Si un fitxer no conté comentaris DSC, el GSview només pot visualitzar-ne pàgines en l'ordre original.
Els fitxers conformes amb els DSC s'inicien amb la línia de comentari:
on el número 3.0 pot canviar i és el número de la versió dels DSC. Alguns programes escriuen fitxers PostScript amb un control-D com a primer caràcter del fitxer, seguit de la línia de comentari anteriorment esmentada. El GSview informarà correctament què aquests fitxers no són conformes amb els DSC, però tot i així els visualitzarà amb les característiques de selecció de pàgina disponibles. Queixeu-vos a l'autor del programa que va fer el fitxer PostScript. Per fer el fitxer conforme amb els DSC, editeu-lo i suprimiu-ne el caràcter control-D.
Els fitxers conformes amb els DSC contenen línies com:
%%Pages: 24 %%Page: 1 1
Aquestes línies diuen al GSview quantes pàgines conté un document i on comencen. El GSview utilitza aquesta informació per seleccionar pàgines individuals.
Els fitxers PostScript encapsulats (EPSF) són documents d'una sola pàgina que contenen un subconjunt dels comentaris DSC i ordres PostScript. Els fitxers EPS s'inicien amb la següent línia de comentari:
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
Els fitxers EPS s'utilitzen principalment com a inclusions en d'altres documents i per aquesta raó requereixen el comentari del requadre del límit:
%%BoundingBox: llx lly urx ury
on llx, lly, urx i ury són enters que donen les coordenades x i y de les cantonades inferior esquerra i superior dreta d'un requadre del límit que tanca tots els elements de la pàgina.
Alguns fitxers EPS contenen una visualització prèvia del document PostScript. Aquesta visualització pot ser un metafitxer del Windows, un fitxer TIFF, o una visualització prèvia d'intercanvi (format EPSI). Per als metafitxers del Windows o els fitxers de visualització prèvia TIFF, el fitxer EPS sota el DOS conté una capçalera binària que indica la ubicació i longitud de la visualització prèvia i les seccions de llenguatge PostScript del fitxer EPS. Per al format d'intercanvi, la visualització prèvia està continguda als comentaris DSC que comencen per
%%BeginPreview: amplada alçada profunditat línies
Un fitxer EPS amb visualització prèvia es pot crear des d'un fitxer EPS sense visualització prèvia tot utilitzant Afegeix una visualització prèvia EPS.
El GSview pot donar avisos quan els documents contenen comentaris DSC incorrectes. Això es pot canviar amb Opcions | Avisos DSC.
Quan s'està visualitzant, el GSview ignora la mida de la pàgina del menú Suport, i en el seu lloc utilitza el /MediaBox del fitxer PDF. Si s'habilita el Opcions | Retalla els EPS, el GSview utilitzarà el /CropBox del fitxer PDF.
El GSview necessita que feu Obre un fitxer PDF per comptar-ne les pàgines. Si feu Selecciona un fitxer, el GSview no serà capaç de fer Extreu el text, Cerca, Vés a la pàgina o realitzar qualsevol altre operació que necessiti saber quantes pàgines hi ha al document.
La compatibilitat amb els enllaços pdfmark no és completa.
Per convertir un fitxer PostScript a un de PDF, utilitzeu Fitxer | Converteix, i després seleccioneu el dispositiu pdfwrite.
Per convertir un fitxer PDF a un de PostScript, utilitzeu Fitxer | Converteix, i després seleccioneu el dispositiu pswrite.
Fitxer | Extreu no funciona pels fitxers PDF. L'extracció de pàgines PDF extreu més aviat PostScript que no pas PDF.
Per convertir massivament diversos fitxers, mireu a ps2pdf.bat i pdf2ps.bat al directori del Ghostscript. Necessitareu utilitzar gswin32c.exe en lloc del gs.exe. També necessitareu definir el directori d'inclusió del Ghostscript utilitzant -I o la variable d'entorn GS_LIB.
Si el fitxer conté comentaris DSC, les pàgines es poden seleccionar utilitzant Pàgina següent, Pàgina anterior i Vés a la pàgina.
Si el fitxer no conté comentaris DSC, Pàgina anterior i Vés a la pàgina no funcionaran. No s'hauria de seleccionar un altre fitxer fins que es visualitzi l'última pàgina del document.
Quan s'obre un fitxer, el GSview en visualitza el nom del fitxer, la pàgina actual (si està disponible) i mentre el cursor és sobre la imatge, la ubicació del cursor en les coordenades que s'han indicat a Opcions | Unitats. Les coordenades poden ser punts del PostScript (1/72"), mil·límetres o polzades. La ubicació del cursor és útil per calcular els requadres del límit.
L'ordre Selecciona un fitxer és similar a Obre però aquesta no visualitza el document. Aquesta ordre és útil per obrir documents abans d'imprimir-los.
L'ordre Anomena i desa desa una còpia del document actual. Això és útil si s'està utilitzant el GSview com a visualitzador de PostScript per altres aplicacions i voleu desar el fitxer que s'està visualitzant actualment.
L'ordre Tanca tanca el document obert actualment. Això s'haurà d'utilitzar abans que un altre programa canviï el fitxer actual. Si no voleu fer-ho i el GSview detecta que la mida o la data del fitxer han canviat, es tancarà el Ghostscript i es tornarà a escannejar el document.
Vegeu també Imprimeix.
Visualitza | Pàgina anterior o el botó - mouen el document una pàgina endarrere.
Visualitza | Torna a dibuixar o la tecla F5 tornen a visualitzar i dibuixar la pàgina actual.
Visualitza | Vés a la pàgina o el botó de la mà que apunta mostra un quadre de diàleg que us permet seleccionar el número de la següent pàgina a mostrar. El quadre diàleg Selecciona la pàgina mostra les etiquetes de les pàgines perquè acostumen a ser més útils que una numeració de pàgines seqüencial.
Visualitza | Pàgina següent i inicial o la barra d'espai mouen el document a la part superior de la pàgina següent.
Visualitza | Pàgina anterior i inicial o la tecla de retrocés mouen el document a la part superior de la pàgina anterior.
Les ordres Pàgina anterior, Torna a dibuixar i Vés a la pàgina només funcionen si el document conté comentaris DSC.
Visualitza | Ajusta la finestra o la tecla F6 canvien la resolució de visualització per ajustar la pàgina sencera a la finestra actual. L'ús repetit fa que tant l'amplada com l'alçada de la pàgina s'ajustin a la finestra actual.
Visualitza | Pantalla completa o la tecla F4 visualitzen la pàgina a pantalla completa (sense la barra del títol, les barres de desplaçament, etc.). Per tornar a la visualització normal, premeu la tecla d'escapada.
L'ordre Informació al menú Fitxer mostra un quadre de diàleg amb la informació següent quant als comentaris DSC al document actual.
El Fitxer és el nom del camí del document complet.
El Tipus pot ser DSC, EPS, Sense comentaris DSC o S'estan ignorant els comentaris DSC. L'EPS és un fitxer PostScript encapsulat - un document d'una sola pàgina que conté un subconjunt de comentaris DSC i d'ordres PostScript. Els fitxers EPS s'utilitzen normalment com inclusions a d'altres documents. S'estan ignorant els comentaris DSC es mostra si se selecciona Opcions | Ignora els DSC. Aquests poden tenir el prefixe Ctrl-D seguit de o PJL seguit de. Els dos indiquen que el document no compleix amb els DSC perquè hi ha brossa al principi del document. Per arreglar el primer, vegeu Problemes comuns. Per arreglar el segon, no utilitzeu un controlador HP LaserJet quan creeu documents PostScript per a distribuir als altres.
El Títol és un text que es pot utilitzar quan s'imprimeixen pàgines i per escannejar i reconèixer documents.
La Data és la data de quan es va crear el document.
El Requadre del límit delimita un requadre que tanca tots els elements pintats a la pàgina. Els quatre valors enters són coordenades de les cantonades inferior esquerra i superior dreta del requadre del límit en les coordenades predeterminades de l'usuari (1/72 polzades).
L'Orientació és la orientació predeterminada de la pàgina i pot ser tant Horitzontal com Vertical. Vegeu el menú Orientació.
L'Ordre de pàgines pot ser tant Ascendent, Descendent com Especial. Si l'Ordre de pàgines és Descendent, el GSview inverteix automàticament les pàgines quan s'està visualitzant, o quan s'està imprimint de manera que apareixen en ordre ascendent. Quan s'extreu o s'imprimeix, el GSview pot rebre instruccions d'imprimir les pàgines en ordre descendent (invers). Especial significa que les pàgines no s'han de tornar a ordenar.
El Suport predeterminat dóna el nom del suport seguit de l'amplada i l'alçada d'aquest suport en les coordenades predeterminades de l'usuari (1/72 polzades).
Les Pàgines són el número total de pàgines del document.
La Pàgina dóna l'etiqueta i el número de la pàgina.
El Mapa de bits és la mida del mapa de bits que es visualitza, cosa que pot ser útil si copieu al porta-retalls la imatge que es visualitza.
Impressora Windows GDI utilitza el Ghostscript per crear mapes de bits per cada pàgina, i les imprimeix fent ús del dispositiu estàndard del Windows. Aquest és el mètode més lent, però hauria de funcionar amb la majoria d'impressores.
Dispositiu Ghostscript utilitza els dispositius d'impressores del Ghostscript. Aquest és més ràpid, però necessiteu que el Ghostscript tingui un controlador de la vostra impressora i necessiteu saber com es diu. Per exemple, l'HP LaserJet 4 utilitza el ljet4. Vegeu la documentació del Ghostscript per a més detalls.
Impressora PostScript no utilitza el Ghostscript per imprimir els fitxers PostScript. En lloc d'això, s'envia el fitxer directament a la impressora.
Hi ha una quantitat significativa d'interacció entre els paràmetres al quadre de diàleg d'impressió. Per exemple, seleccionar Dispositiu inhabilita el botó Propietats perquè no és rellevant. Hi ha més detalls als temes següents.
Vegeu també Conversions i Converteix.
Selecció de pàgines
Impressora Windows GDI
Ghostscript device
PostScript printer
Print File
Page Size Matching
El botó Selecciona es pot inhabilitar si no és compatible amb el mètode d'impressió.
El quadre de verificació Inverteix fa que les pàgines s'imprimeixin en ordre descendent. Això s'habilita únicament si el document conté comentaris DSC.
Si voleu imprimir les pàgines des d'un document DSC que tingui un ordre de pàgines especial (per exemple, que les pàgines no es puguin tornar a ordenar), seleccioneu la Impressora Windows GDI i Ignora els DSC.
Per defecte, s'utilitza un mapa de bits monocrom per a una màxima velocitat. Si voleu color, necessitareu habilitar-ho utilitzant el botó Paràmetres .
Per controlar com gestiona les sol·licituts de canvi de mida de la pàgina per als documents PostScript o PDF el GSview, vegeu el tema Ajust de la mida de la pàgina.
Les Opcions normalment són buides, però poden contenir opcions en línies d'ordres. Utilitzeu-ho amb cura!
Aquest mètode d'impressió permet imprimir les pàgines seleccionades, fins i tot si un document PostScript no conté comentaris DSC. Ho fa mitjançant la representació de totes les pàgines, però només enviant a la impressora les que se sol·liciten. Podria ser molt lent.
To control how GSview handles requests by the PostScript or PDF documents to change the page size, see the Page Size Matching topic.
Some Ghostscript options may be added using either the Options field or the Properties button.
The uniprint button selects the uniprint device and displays a list of available configuration files (*.upp) for the uniprint device. If you select one of these configuration files, the configuration file name will be placed in the Options field of the Printer Setup. See the Ghostscript file Devices.htm for details of how to configure the uniprint device.
When a PostScript printer is connected via a serial port, it sometimes requires a Ctrl+D character to be sent after the PostScript file, and depending on how well behaved other programs are, sometimes before. This is part of the serial communications protocol used by these printers - it is not part of PostScript. The Settings dialog allows you can choose to send Ctrl+D before and/or after the PostScript file.
Some PostScript printers understand multiple languages, and require a prolog to enable the PostScript mode. For example, HP LaserJet printers (with the PostScript option) require the following prolog
and the following epilog
^[%-12345X@PJL EOJ ^[%12345X
The prolog and epilog files allow you to send a file to the printer before and after the PostScript file.
Another use of the prolog might be to invoke duplex printing
<< /Duplex true /Tumble false >> setpagedevice
If the document is PDF, Ghostscript will be used to convert the document to PostScript which will then be sent to the printer.
All pages, individual pages or any combination may be printed. The All, Odd and Even buttons provide quick selection of pages. If a single contiguous block of pages is marked, the Odd and Even buttons will select odd or even pages within this range. The Reverse check box causes the pages to be printed in descending order.
A page offset can be specified for each device. The page offset is useful for correcting a mismatch between the page origin of a Ghostscript printer device and a particular printer. Increasing the X value will translate the image towards the right. Increasing the Y value will usually translate the image downwards.
Properties are typically used to set BitsPerPixel for a colour printer, or other types of colour or density correction, or PDF distiller parameters.
Properties are specific to a particular device. Changing the value of the BitsPerPixel property on one device does not change it for any other device.
When you press the OK button in the Properties dialog box, the current settings are written to the gsview32.ini
Some Properties are predefined in GSview, but these may not match those available in Ghostscript. The Edit and New buttons allow you to modify available Properties for that device. See the Edit Properties topic for more details.
There are two ways to add or edit Properties.
The first method uses the Edit or New button on the Properties dialog box.
Each property must be either a number or a string. Number properties are equivalent to the Ghostscript -d command line option. String properties are equivalent to the Ghostscript -s command line option. Each property consists of a Name and Value. These are used as -dNAME=VALUE or -sNAME=VALUE. The Value is chosen from the comma separated list of Values entered into the Edit Properties dialog box. Spaces must not be embedded in the Name or Values.
To delete a property, select it on the Properties dialog box, then press Edit, then press the Delete button on the Edit Properties dialog box.
The second method is to manually edit the GSview INI file.
For each device, you must add two sections to the gsview32.ini file. The following example shows how to add property information for the cdjcolor driver. First add a section which gives the current values. This section, after the first character is removed, gives the options that will appear in the Property list box. The first character is s for string or d for number.
[cdjcolor] dBitsPerPixel=24 dDepletion=1 dShingling=2 dBlackCorrect=4
Next add a section which gives the values to display in the Value list box.
[cdjcolor values] dBitsPerPixel=1,3,8,16,24 dDepletion=1,2,3 dShingling=0,1,2 dBlackCorrect=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
GSview will also add the value [Not defined] to the listbox.
When GSview prints a file, it will give Ghostscript the contents of the [cdjcolor] section of gsview32.ini as follows:
-dBitsPerPixel=24 -dDepletion=1 -dShingling=2 -dBlackCorrect=4
If the value of a property is [Not defined], that property will not be sent to Ghostscript.
If Shrink to fit Page Size is selected, any page size selected by the document that is larger than the selected media will be shrunk to fit the page size on the Media menu. This is useful if you want to print an A4 sized page on letter paper (although a better idea is to buy A4 paper).
If Variable Page Size GSview will set the default page size from the Media menu, but allow the page size to be changed.
File | Convert uses Ghostscript to convert PostScript or PDF to bitmaps, PostScript or PDF.
File | Extract allows a range of pages to be copied from a PostScript document.
File | PS to EPS allows the bounding box to be updated and allows the header to be changed from PS to EPS. Read the documentation thoroughly before using this.
Edit | Add EPS Preview adds a bitmap preview to an EPS file.
Edit | Extract EPS extracts the PostScript or Preview from a DOS EPS file.
Edit | Convert to vector format uses pstoedit to convert PostScript or PDF to an editable vector format.
Edit | Text Extract uses pstotext to extract text from a PostScript or PDF document.
Edit | Copy copies the display bitmap to the clipboard. Edit | Paste To copies a clipboard DIB bitmap to a file. Edit | Convert Bitmap converts a clipboard DIB bitmap to a clipboard device dependent bitmap.
File conversions and tricks
EPS Preview
User Supplied Preview
Convert to vector format
Text Extract and Find
Convert PostScript to PDF. File | Convert, select pdfwrite, 300dpi, With Ghostscript 5.50, fonts with non-standard encodings will be included as bitmaps. If you choose 72dpi, fonts will look rough. Ghostscript 6.0 will embed fonts.
Convert PDF to PostScript. File | Convert, select pswrite, 300dpi.
Convert Level 2 PostScript to Level 1 PostScript. File | Convert, select psmono, 300dpi, Instead of 300dpi, you should use the resolution of your printer.
Convert to a bitmap. File | Convert, select bmp16m, 72dpi.
Convert to an editable vector format (pstoedit). Edit | Convert to vector format OR convert to PDF using the method above.
Extract text (pstotext). Edit | Text Extract
Add a preview to an EPS file. Edit | Add EPS Preview. See Add EPS Preview for more details.
Remove preview from an EPS file. Edit | Extract EPS | PostScript
Display with smooth edges. Media | Display Settings. Set Text Alpha and Graphics Alpha to 4. You need a display with at least 8 bits per pixel.
Save the displayed bitmap. Edit | Copy to copy to the clipboard. To save to a BMP file, use Edit | Copy then Paste To...
Create a bitmap with smooth edges (anti-aliasing). 1. Display with smooth edges and save the display bitmap. OR 2. Convert using a bitmap device and set the following in the properties.
-dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4
You need to select a Ghostscript output device and resolution. The default list of available devices and resolutions is stored in the [Convert] section of gsview32.ini and is taken from the standard distribution version of Ghostscript 6.01. You can use other devices or resolutions.
Some Ghostscript options may be added using either the Options field or the Properties button.
All pages, individual pages or any combination may be converted. The All, Odd and Even buttons provide quick selection of pages. If a single contiguous block of pages is marked, the Odd and Even buttons will select odd or even pages within this range. The Reverse check box causes the pages to be converted in descending order.
To control how GSview handles requests by the PostScript or PDF documents to change the page size, see the Page Size Matching topic.
See also Conversions.
See also Conversions.
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
and then adding or fixing up the %%BoundingBox comment.
EPS files are commonly used for inclusion in other documents and for this reason require the bounding box comment:
%%BoundingBox: llx lly urx ury
where llx, lly, urx and ury are integers giving the x and y co-ordinates of the lower left and upper right corners of a bounding box which encloses all marks made on the page.
When used incorrectly, the PS to EPS command can produce PostScript files with incorrect DSC comments. Such a document will cause problems when you try to include it inside another document.
To convert a PostScript file to EPS, the original file must be a single page document. If the document contains DSC comments and is multi page, extract the desired page with File | Extract. If the document does not contain DSC comments, you will need to edit the file by hand to extract the desired page.
EPS documents must not use any of the following operators:
banddevice clear cleardictstack copypage erasepage exitserver framedevice grestoreall initclip initgraphics initmatrix quit renderbands setglobal setpagedevice setpageparams setshared startjob letter note legal a3 a4 a5
The following operators should be used with care:
nulldevice setgstate sethalftone setmatrix setscreen settransfer setcolortransfer
It is your responsibility to make sure that the above requirements are met.
To test if a document contains any of the above operators, select Options | EPS Warn and then Open the desired document. After the page has been displayed, Close the document and then display the Ghostscript messages with File | Show Messages. If any of the above operators have been used you should see lines like:
Warning: EPS files must not use ...
If you find these warnings then do not use PS to EPS. Remember to turn off EPS Warn afterwards.
A document must be displayed before PS to EPS is used.
For documents without DSC comments, PS to EPS allows a bounding box to be specified, then writes out an EPS file consisting of an EPS wrapper around the original document.
For documents with DSC comments, PS to EPS will change the first line of the file to
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
then allows the %%BoundingBox comment to be changed or added.
For EPS documents, PS to EPS allows the %%BoundingBox comment to be changed.
PS to EPS does not clip the document to the %%BoundingBox. To do so would require changing the PostScript code itself. PS to EPS only changes the DSC comments.
If Automatically calculate Bounding Box is checked, GSview will calculate the bounding box from the non white pixels. If unchecked, you get to choose the bounding box by clicking at the left, bottom, right and top.
PS to EPS does not add a preview to a document. If you want a preview you add it with Edit | Add EPS Preview after first creating an EPS file with a correct %%BoundingBox.
See also Add EPS Preview, Extract, EPS Warn and Conversions.
1. Deselect Options | Ignore DSC
2. Make sure the document has a correct bounding box. Options | Show Bounding Box is useful for checking the bounding box. A bounding box can be added or changed using File | PS to EPS.
3. Select Orientation | Portrait.
4. Select Media | Display Settings and set a suitable resolution for the preview. If the resolution is too high it will make the EPS file excessively large.
5. Open an EPS file that does not contain a preview.
6. Select Edit | Add EPS Preview, then the preview format, then the new EPS filename. GSview will write a new file containing the original PostScript EPS file and a preview created from the display bitmap. The available preview formats are Interchange, TIFF 4, TIFF 6 uncompressed, TIFF 6 packbits and Windows Metafile. If adding an Interchange preview, the document must have an %%EndComments line, otherwise GSview may put the preview in the wrong place. An interchange preview is always monochrome. A TIFF 4 preview is a Baseline Bilevel Image (1 bit/pixel) with no compression as described in the TIFF 6.0 memorandum, but avoiding tags which are not described in the TIFF 4 specification. WordPerfect 5.1 requires a TIFF 4 preview. A TIFF 6 preview is a Baseline Bilevel Image, or a Baseline Palette-colour Image (4 or 8 bits/pixel) or a Baseline RGB Full Colour Image (24 bits/pixel) according to the TIFF 6.0 specification. TIFF 6 previews are either uncompressed or compressed with packbits. A Windows Metafile preview contains an uncompressed bitmap.
7. Reset Orientation | Portrait, and Media | Display Settings to their previous values.
To extract the PostScript or Preview section from a DOS EPS file, use File | Select File followed by Edit | Extract EPS then PostScript or Preview.
See also PS to EPS.
You can add a preview that has no resemblance to the PostScript, which is most undesirable.
or from
To use pstoedit from within GSview, use Edit | Convert to vector format. Three dialog boxes will be shown.
The first dialog is for pstoedit settings.
Select an output Format.
Draw text as polygons should be selected if the PostScript file contains text and the output format does not support this, e.g. gnuplot. This might produce a large output file.
When Map to ISO-Latin1 is selected, pstoedit maps all character codes to the ones defined by the ISO-Latin1 encoding, which is used by HTML and MS-Windows. This is the default. If you uncheck this item, the encoding from the input PostScript is passed unchanged to the output.
If the output format does not support curves in the way PostScript does, all curves are approximated by lines. The Flatness option is used to control this approximation. This parameter is directly converted to a PostScript setflat command. Small values produce a more accurate approximation, but more line segments.
Sometimes fonts embedded in a PostScript program do not have a fontname. For example, this happens in PostScript files generated by dvips. In such a case pstoedit uses a replacement font. The default for this is Courier. Another font can be specified using the Default Font option. Some alternative font names are Courier, Helvetica and Times-Roman.
Some of the output formats support extra options. See the pstoedit manual for more details. For example, the java output format uses Driver Options to specify the name of the java class.
The second dialog (omitted if no page numbering is available) specifies the page to be converted, or if supported by the output format, a range of pages to be converted.
The third dialog specifies the output file name.
Not all pstoedit formats support bitmap graphics. If you need bitmap output, see File conversions and tricks.
For more details please read the pstoedit manual.
See also Conversions.
GSview has two methods of extracting text from a PostScript file.
The quick method extracts all text from PostScript strings.
The second method uses pstotext and Ghostscript to more accurately extract text from a PostScript document.
The method used is selected by Options | PStoText. See the appropriate topic below:
See also Conversions.
Quick Text Extract and Find
PStoText Text Extract and Find
Edit | Text Extract will extract text contained in strings from specified pages and write it to a text file. Line breaks in this text file correspond to lines in the document. Spaces in the text file correspond to spaces within strings, or to separate strings. A more effective method of extracting text is to use supplied with Ghostscript, or to use the PStoText program listed on the Ghostscript WWW page. PStoText can be used from GSview by using Options | PStoText.
Edit | Find will search for text and display the first page that contains the text. Find asks for a search text and a range of pages in which to search. The preceding comments about extracting text from a PostScript document should be noted. Find first extracts text from the document, then searches it ignoring all spaces in both the document and the search text. Case is ignored when searching. Consequently the search text these would match both These and The serial. No information is given about where the word is located on a given page because this information is not available without a complete PostScript interpreter. Find will not work for non DSC documents or DSC documents with special page order.
Edit | Find Next will continue the search from the next page.
pstotext uses the ISO-Latin1 character set. See the pstotext documentation for more details.
Orientation must be set to match the text direction of the document.
Edit | Text Extract will extract text from specified pages and write it to a text file.
Words can be copied to the clipboard using Edit | Copy.
Edit | Find will search for text and display the first page that contains the text. Find asks for a search text and a range of pages in which to search. The search text is first broken up into words. For each search word, a search is made to find a match anywhere within a document word. Searching for frog would find frog, frogs and bullfrogs. The wildcards '*' (zero or more characters) and '?' (any one character) are supported, but it doesn't make sense to use them at the beginning or end of a word. Wildcards do not extend beyond the word being searched. Multiple complete words may be specified, e.g. GSview is a. If the search text is found, the page containing the text is displayed and the first word highlighted. Find will not work for non DSC documents or DSC documents with special page order.
Edit | Find Next will continue the search.
For most PostScript files you should use Options | PStoText | Normal.
Options | PStoText | Dvips Cork Encoding is only relevant for PostScript files produced by dvips from TeX or LaTeX documents; it tells pstotext to use the Cork encoding rather than the old TeX text encoding. Unfortunately files produced by dvips don't distinguish which font encodings were used.
An alternative way to get a bitmap output from Ghostscript is to use one of the BMP drivers. See Print.
Paste To copies a Device Independent Bitmap from the Clipboard (if available) to a BMP file.
Convert Bitmap converts between a Device Independent Bitmap and a Device Dependent Bitmap. If the clipboard contains a Device Independent Bitmap (BMP format), this is converted to a Device Dependent Bitmap and added to the clipboard. If the clipboard does not contain a colour palette, one is created from the Device Independent Bitmap and added to the clipboard. This option is present because some applications (notably Windows Paintbrush) won't recognise a Device Independent Bitmap in the clipboard.
If Text Extract or Find are used on a document with PStoText enabled, GSview creates an index of the words in the document. If any words are marked with the mouse, Copy will copy these words to the clipboard instead of copying a bitmap. Text cannot be marked until either Text Extract or Find has been used with Options | PStoText enabled.
This dialog box shows the start location, finish location, difference between these locations and the length and angle between these locations. The start location is set when you click the left mouse button. The default start location is the lower left corner of the page. The units can be pt, mm, inch, or custom.
Custom units allows you to display coordinates as they appear in a PostScript file. Custom units are usually specified by starting with an identity matrix and then performing a series of transformations. If a PostScript file invokes landscape orientation using
90 rotate 0 -595 translate
then to display the user coordinates you would enter the following in the Calculate Transformation dialog:
Custom initmatrix 90 rotate 0 -595 translate invertmatrix Ok
The Current Transformation Matrix (CTM) is shown in upper part of the dialog. You can enter a CTM directly if you like maths. It is easier to enter values in the Custom edit fields below this, but these have no effect until one of the transform buttons (translate, rotate, scale) is selected.
See also Units.
Easy Configure
Advanced Configure
DSC Warnings
Save Settings
Save Last Directory
Button Bar
Fit Window To Page
Auto Redisplay
EPS Clip
EPS Warn
Ignore DSC
Show Bounding Box
Easy configure will set the correct paths for Ghostscript and copy some printer defaults to the INI file. It does not alter the registry or start menu.
Enter the correct Ghostscript include path into the Ghostscript Include Path field. This include path must include the directories where the Ghostscript library files (gs_*.ps and Fontmap) and the Ghostscript fonts (*.pfb) are located. For example:
Do NOT put a -I before the include path.
The Ghostscript Options field may be empty. If you wish to turn off the Platform Fonts feature under MS-Windows, put -dNOPLATFONTS in the Ghostscript Options field. If you wish to search for fonts not listed in Fontmap, add -sFONTPATH to this field. For example
If you do not get the Ghostscript DLL field correct, GSview will not be able to load Ghostscript. If you do not get the Ghostscript Include Path correct, Ghostscript will not initialise and will then unload.
Selecting Copy printer defaults will update gsview32.ini from the file printer.ini.
Selecting Associate .ps files with GSview will update the registry to associate PostScript files with GSview.
Selecting Associate .pdf files with GSview will update the registry to associate Portable Document Format files with GSview.
Selecting Create Start Menu items will add GSview to the start menu.
There is no undo facility for the actions of these four checkboxes. The Associate and Start Menu actions are normally performed (with an undo facility) by the GSview setup program.
See the Installation topic.
You must have a sound driver loaded before using Wave files. Wave file sounds are not available under MS-Windows 3.0.
The events are:
Output Page: the PostScript showpage operator was executed.
No Page: an invalid page was selected. For example, pressing Prev while on the first page of a document with DSC comments.
No Number: a command required page numbering and the document did not have page numbering. For example, pressing Goto Page when viewing a document without DSC comments.
Not Open: a command required a document to be open and this was not the case. For example, pressing Goto Page when no document is open.
Error: many types of errors.
Start: GSview opened.
Exit: GSview closed.
Busy: busy at the moment, can't do what you asked.
The defaults are for No Page, Error and Busy to be a Speaker Beep and all other events to be None.
The resolution of the units can be increased by selecting Units | Fine Resolution.
See also Measure.
On Windows NT, all existing languages are available to be selected, independent of the regional settings. On other systems, the language availability depends on the selected regional settings, in particular the chosen locale or system code page.
The Quick Text Extract and Find method does a simple extraction of PostScript strings. This method is easily confused. This is selected by the menu item PStoText | Disabled.
The PStoText Text Extract and Find method uses the external pstotext tool and Ghostscript to extract words and their co-ordinates. This method is more accurate, but there may be a long pause while pstotext and Ghostscript do the initial processing. After this, text extraction and searching should be quick. There are two modes of operation. Normal should be used for most PostScript files. Dvips Cork Encoding should be used if you have a PostScript file produced by dvips which uses Cork Encoding.
The default is Normal.
If you ask to be notified about errors and warnings, the DSC warning dialog box allows you to make the following choices: OK tells GSview to take a guess about what was probably meant (rather than what the DSC comment actually said), Cancel tells GSview to treat the DSC as being correct, Ignore DSC tells GSview to ignore all DSC comments.
If DSC Warnings is Off, GSview will assume Cancel. Documents with incorrect DSC comments will be likely to cause problems.
When the Save Settings on Exit option is checked, GSview will automatically save the above settings when you quit GSview.
When the Safer option is unchecked Ghostscript can change files.
When Save Last Directory option is unchecked, the current directory when GSview is started will be the current directory of the program that started GSview.
File | Print
File | Info
Help | Contents
View | Goto Page
Go back 5 pages
View | Previous Page
View | Next Page
Go forward 5 pages
View | Go Back
View | Go Forward
Increase resolution by 1.2
Decrease resolution by 1/1.2
Edit | Find
Edit | Find Next
If using the increase/decrease resolution buttons, Auto Redisplay should be set. Instead of using these buttons the Media | Display Settings command can be used. When the Button Bar option is unchecked, GSview will not display the Button Bar.
Changes in the window size will only occur when the window is resized or the page size changed; it does not happen immediately after this option is changed. Fit Window To Page is ignored for a maximized window.
If Fit Window To Page is unchecked, GSview will not resize the window and areas outside the page will be drawn in light grey. This is useful if you do not wish the window to shrink when looking at pages at low resolution. This is the default.
See also View | Fit Window.
For non-DSC documents, if Auto Redisplay is checked, GSview will restart at the first page.
If Auto Redisplay is unchecked, the View | Redisplay command must be used to redisplay a document after changing the Orientation, Resolution, Depth or Media.
If EPS Clip is unchecked, GSview will use the page size specified on the Media menu for EPS files. This is the default.
EPS Clip does not alter the original document, it only affects how much of the document is displayed by GSview. It does not affect printing.
See also Edit | Add EPS Preview
Warning: EPS files must not use /initgraphics
EPS Warn is not infallible. It is possible to access restricted operators without EPS Warn producing a warning. If you do get a warning, do NOT used PS to EPS.
The default for EPS Warn is unchecked.
See also PS to EPS.
The default for Ignore DSC is unchecked.
The default for Show Bounding Box is unchecked.
If the Auto command on the orientation menu is checked and a DSC page orientation comment is found (%%Orientation or %%PageOrientation), the orientation will be selected automatically.
When the Swap Landscape option is checked, GSview swaps the meaning of Landscape and Seascape. Most of the Landscape documents that I have encountered require a 90 clockwise rotation of the paper to view. However, there is no standard and some documents need to be rotated the other way. The Swap Landscape button allows GSview to automatically rotate the document the right way in response to the %%Orientation comment in the PostScript file.
See also Page Size and Display Settings.
The Resolution field sets the display resolution in dots per inch. The default for a VGA display is 96 dots per inch. This can also be changed by the resolution changing buttons on the button bar.
For DSC conforming files, pressing the right mouse button will Zoom into the page at what is usually printer resolution. Pressing the right mouse button a second time will zoom back out to normal display resolution. The Zoom Resolution field sets the zoom resolution in dots per inch.
The Depth field sets the page bitmap depth in bits per pixels for the display. Default will select the highest depth supported by your display driver. In general, you shouldn't set this higher than your actual display depth because doing so will use extra memory for the page bitmap but won't improve the display.
The Text Alpha field sets anti-aliasing for fonts. The default (use anti-aliasing) is 4 bits. To disable anti-aliasing of fonts, use 1 bit.
IMPORTANT: If you use Text Alpha, GSview will disable Platform Fonts by doing the equivalent of adding
to the Options | Advanced Configure Ghostscript Options field.
The Graphics Alpha field sets anti-aliasing for graphics and also for text that is too large to fit in the font cache.
Using anti-aliasing slows down drawing. Text and Graphics Alpha can only be used if your display depth is set to 8bits/pixel or higher.
Zoom will only work for DSC conforming documents.
To enlarge or shrink the entire page, use the Resolution on the Media | Display Settings dialog box, use the magnifying glass toolbar buttons.
11x17 11 x 17 inch A0 840 x 1189 mm A1 594 x 840 mm A2 420 x 594 mm A3 297 x 420 mm A4 210 x 297 mm A5 148 x 210 mm B4 257 x 364 mm B5 182 x 257 mm Ledger 17 x 11 inch Letter 8.5 x 11 inch Legal 8.5 x 14 inch Note 8.5 x 11 inch
A user defined size can be specified in PostScript points (1/72 inch) with the User Defined command. A size of 480x360 points at 96 dpi will give an image size of 640x480 pixels.
If a DSC media comment is found, such as
%%DocumentPaperSizes: a4 %%DocumentMedia: a4 595 842 80 white ( )
the page type will be selected automatically. If the media specification is not one of the above page types, the User Defined size will be set.
If Rotate Media is checked, the width and height of the page are exchanged. The image drawn on the page is not rotated. This affects both display and printing. Selecting A4 and Rotate Media is equivalent to selecting User Defined with a size of 842 x 595 pt. It is more common to use the settings on the Orientation menu than Rotate Media.
O, o Open and display a file. (File | Open)
C, c Close file. (File | Close)
N, n, + Next Page. (View | Next Page)
Space Next Page and Home. (View | Next Page and Home)
V, v, - Previous Page. (View | Previous Page)
BackSpace Previous Page and Home. (View | Previous Page and Home)
G, g Goto Page. (View | Goto Page)
I, i File information. (File | Info)
R, r, F5 Redisplay page. (View | Redisplay)
S, s Select file: open but don't display. (File | Select File)
A, a Save As. (File | Save As)
P, p Print all or some pages to a printer. (File | Print)
F, f Convert all or some pages to a PDF or bitmap File. (File | Convert).
E, e Extract some pages to another File. (File | Extract)
M, m Show Ghostscript Messages. (File | Show Messages)
< Decrease resolution by 1/1.2
> Increase resolution by 1.2
F1 Help. (Help | Contents)
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Insert Copy displayed bitmap to clipboard. (Edit | Copy)
Ctrl+F, Find Text. (Edit | Find)
F3, Find Next. (Edit | Find Next)
F4 Full Screen. (View | Full Screen)
F6 Fit Window. (View | Fit Window)
Arrow Keys Scroll by 1/16 of a screen.
Ctrl + Arrow Keys Scroll by one screen.
Page Up Scroll up one screen (window height).
Page Down Scroll down one screen.
Home Scroll to top of page.
End Scroll to bottom of page.
gsview [-d] [-t] [-f[DEVICE]] [-p[QUEUE]] [-mPAPERSIZE] [-oORIENTATION] [-rXDPIxYDPI] [-geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT[+XOFF+YOFF]] filename
filename To start GSview and display
-p prints using Ghostscript. This is similar to File | Print, except that you will not be prompted for a printer (it will use the printer most recently used by GSview, or the printer name you provide) and GSview will exit after printing has finished:
gsview -p
-f converts a PostScript file (not PDF) to a file using Ghostscript (File | Convert):
gsview -f
-mPAPERSIZE sets the paper size. Any of the predefined sizes on the media menu are valid.
-oORIENTATION sets the orientation and may be one of auto, portrait, landscape, upsidedown or seascape.
-rXDPIxYDPI sets the display, convert or print resolution.
To display a file with A4 paper, landscape orientation and 96dpi:
gsview -ma4 -olandscape -r96x96
-d Debug mode. In debug mode GSview will not remove its temporary files. This is to allow inspection of these files after GSview has finished. Debug mode also produces more verbose output for File | Show Messages. To write debugging output to c:\gsview.txt use -d9
-t Multi-threading. GSview by default runs multi-threaded, except for Windows 3.1/Win32s. To change this, use -t to toggle the threading mode, use -t0 to select single-thread mode and -t1 to select multi-thread mode.
Windows supports a few additional command line options.
-s spools a file directly to the printer, without using Ghostscript. GSview will exit when the file has been spooled. Some examples are:
gsview -s gsview -sLPT3: gsview -s"HP DeskJet Portable"
-e uses DDE to open a file in an existing GSview, or if GSview is not already running, in a new window using.
gsview -e filename
-x uses DDE to tell an existing GSview to close.
gsview -x
[FileOpen("filename")] [FileExit()] [NextPage()] [PrevPage()] [GoBack()] [GotoPage(5)] [ShowWindow(nCmdShow)] [Minimise()] [Maximise()] [Command("command line")]
The [Command()] command only understands "filename" or "/P filename".
Don't sent multiple commands together. GSview won't complain, but the multithreaded asynchrononous execution within GSview means that the first command won't have been completed before the second command is received. If you need to send multiple commands, send them separately with pauses inbetween.
There are two command line options to cause GSview to send a DDE command to another copy of GSview. The /E command line option uses [Command("command line")][ShowWindow(1)]. The /X command line option uses [FileExit()].
GSview can be registered on-line at
GSview can be used as a PostScript file viewer for several OS/2 and MS-Windows Web browsers. See the GSview home page for details.
Thomas Merz has written a Ghostscript manual, which is available in PDF from the above WWW site. This manual is an extract from a book written by Thomas Merz titled PostScript and Acrobat/PDF, available in English and German.
GSVIEW.EXE - A Ghostscript graphical interface Copyright (C) 1993-2005, Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
This file is part of GSview.
This program is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it, or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he or she says so in writing. Refer to the GSview Free Public Licence (the "Licence") for full details.
Every copy of GSview must include a copy of the Licence, normally in a plain ASCII text file named LICENCE. The Licence grants you the right to copy, modify and redistribute GSview, but only under certain conditions described in the Licence. Among other things, the Licence requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on all copies.
Author: Russell Lang, Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd Internet: [email protected]
Please read the Common Problems topic, the GSview Readme.htm and browse the WWW page before sending mail to the author.
GSview uses pstotext in an external DLL. pstotext was written by Andrew Birrell and Paul McJones. It is
Copyright (C) 1995-1996, Digital Equipment Corporation.
See the licence in pstotext.txt or for more details. If you do not agree to the pstotext licence, delete, pstotxt2.dll and pstotxt3.dll.
GSview requires the Ghostscript DLL (gsdll2.dll for OS/2, gsdll32.dll for Win32). This error message usually occurs if you don't have Ghostscript, or if GSview can't find Ghostscript.
From the GSview menu select Options | Advanced Configure and enter the correct Ghostscript DLL path. For example
This message also occurs if Ghostscript cannot find its initialisation files (e.g. Set the Ghostscript Include Path correctly.
If using Win32s, make sure you don't already have a copy of the Ghostscript DLL loaded by another copy of GSview. Only one copy of Ghostscript DLL can be loaded by Win32s at a time.
If you can't get GSview to run Ghostscript DLL correctly, make sure you can configure and run Ghostscript on its own.
Problem: Ghostscript Messages window says Can't find initialization file
Set the Ghostscript Include Path to point to the directory containing the correct
Problem: Ghostscript Messages window says gs: Interpreter revision (XXX) does not match revision (YYY).
Set the Ghostscript Include Path to point to the directory containing the correct Don't try to display a PostScript file in the directory of an old version of Ghostscript (which will cause the old to be loaded irrespective of the Ghostscript Include Path).
Problem: Ghostscript Messages window says Wrong version of DLL found. Found version XXX Need version YYY.
GSview found the wrong Ghostscript DLL. Install the required version of the Ghostscript DLL. Make sure you have only one copy of the Ghostscript DLL on your system.
Problem: GSview says that a multipage PostScript file produced by MS-Windows contains 0 pages and will only show the first page.
This is because the document does not have correct DSC comments. From the Control Panel, select Printers, Options..., then in the Print to group box click on the Printer radio button. You cannot use the Print To Encapsulated PostScript File for printing multipage files. The correct method is to connect the printer to FILE:. In addition, from the Control Panel select Printers, Options..., Advanced and then check Conform to Adobe Document Structuring Convention.
The DSC comment %%Pages: 0 means that the document does not produce any pages. That is, the PostScript showpage operator is not used. If you find a PostScript document that has multiple pages and contains the %%Pages: 0 comment, change the first line from %!PS-Adobe- to %!. GSview will then ignore the DSC comments and allow you to view all pages, but only in the original order. Complain to the author of the program that produced that PostScript file.
Some PostScript printer drivers include code that is specific to a particular printer. The PostScript output from these drivers may be unportable and may not display in GSview. If you are having this problem, try using a reasonably generic PostScript driver such as Apple LaserWriter II NT for PostScript level 2 printers, or Apple LaserWriter Plus for PostScript level 1 printers.
For Windows 95, open the printer properties then select the PostScript tab, then select PostScript Output Format = PostScript (optimize for portability - ADSC).
Problem: GSview says "Page ordering is Special..."
Your document used the DSC comment %%PageOrder: Special which means that pages can not be reliably reordered. This may prevent GSview from displaying pages in any order other than the original order. If you continue and reorder the pages, PostScript errors may occur. The only way to fix this is to regenerate the PostScript without special page ordering.
By default, Windows 95 creates PostScript files which use special page ordering. To disable this, open the printer properties then select the PostScript tab, then select PostScript Output Format = PostScript (optimize for portability - ADSC).
Problem: PostScript files produced by MS-Windows start with a Control-D.
For Windows 3.1:
Since this occurs even when the PostScript printer Conform to Document Structuring Convention checkbox is checked, this must be considered a bug in the MS-Windows PostScript printer driver. The bug fix is documented in the MS-Windows PRINTERS.WRI file. Edit the win.ini file and search for the PostScript printer section. There may be more than one. In each of these sections add CTRLD=0 as shown below.
[Apple LaserWriter II NT,FILE] CTRLD=0
For Windows 95:
The PostScript printer driver setup has an option (Properties, PostScript, Advanced) for suppressing a ^D at the start of a document. Fortunately the default is do not send ^D before job.
Problem: PostScript files produced by Word for Windows 6.0 cause a "Missing %%Pages comment" message box.
Congratulations. You have just found a mistake in the DSC comments when Word included an EPS file. Word should have surrounded the included EPS file with the lines
%%BeginDocument: filename.eps %%EndDocument
Because Word didn't do this, GSview can't tell how many pages are in the document and where they are located.
Please complain to Microsoft. There is a problem in the EPSIMP.FLT filter version 2.01 which Microsoft needs to fix.
In the interim, you have two solutions:
1. Select Options | Ignore DSC
2. Edit the PostScript file to correct the DSC comments. Search the PostScript file for all lines containing
%MSEPS Preamble
From each of these lines, search forward for the start of the included EPS file which should start with a line like
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
Above these lines add the line
%%BeginDocument: AddedByHand
Then search for all lines containing
%MSEPS Trailer
Above these lines add the line
GSview should then be able to display the file correctly.
Problem: GSview doesn't recognise the DSC comments in files produced using the Adobe PostScript driver 4.10 for Windows 32-bit.
Do not use Tagged binary communications protocol. Change this to "Printers | PostScript tab | Advanced... | Data format group box | ASCII data"
Problem: Trying to open any file gives
Unrecoverable error: configurationerror in setpagedevice Failed to open device or install ViewerPreProcess hook: returns -26 Page size may have been too large or resolution too high. Resetting page size and resolution
Either the problem described in the error message has occurred, in which case you should reduce the page size, resolution, depth or a combination of all three. Alternatively, you may have used -dFIXEDMEDIA in the Ghostscript environment variable GS_OPTIONS. When using GSview, it is safest not to use GS_OPTIONS at all and to use Options | Advanced Configure | Ghostscript Options instead.
Problem: GSview hangs or takes a very long time when displaying a file.
Resolution may have been set too high or page size too large. Reduce the resolution to the default 96dpi using Media | Display Settings. Change the page size with the Media menu.
RedMon also includes a command line utility for writing a file to a Windows printer queue.
PrintFile by Peter Lerup is a Windows GUI application for sending files to a printer. It provides smart processing for text, PostScript and other files. It is available from:
See the Ghostscript WWW page for more useful programs.
Show Messages
The text in the Show Messages window can be copied to the clipboard. If no text is selected, the entire text will be copied to the clipboard. If some text is highlighted, only that text will be copied to the clipboard.
Explanations of some of the error message that may appear in the Show Messages are given in the Common Problems topic.
If you get an error message Failed to load bzip2 DLL... then you probably don't have the bzip2 DLL available. Obtain it from the same place you obtained GSview or from
Place the bzip2 DLL in the same directory as the GSview EXE. libbz2.dll is for Win32. At this stage there is no bzip2 DLL for Win16 or OS/2.
bzip2 is Copyright 1996-2000 by Julian Seward The source code can be obtained from
If you get an error message Failed to load zlib DLL... then you probably don't have the zlib DLL available. Obtain it from the same place you obtained GSview or from
Place the zlib DLL in the same directory as the GSview EXE. zlib16.dll is for Win16. zlib32.dll is for Win32. zlib2.dll is for OS/2.
zlib is Copyright 1995-1996 by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. The source code can be obtained from
Under Win32s, the GS DLL can be used by only one application at a time. Under Windows 95, Windows NT and OS/2, the GS DLL can be used by many applications at a time (provided you have enough memory). When using Win32s, GSview must unload the GS DLL while it is being used by gvwgs.exe for printing.
gsv16spl.exe is a 16 bit Windows application used by GSview to spool files from GSview Win32s. gsv16spl can not be used on its own - it must be started by GSview. It is not used by Windows 95 or NT.
gvwgs32.exe (Windows) and gvpgs.exe (OS/2) are GS DLL loaders for printing. It would be possible to use them from the command line, but since they delete the files listed on the command line it would be safer to use gswin32.exe (Win32), gswin32c.exe (Win32 console) or gsos2.exe (OS/2).