QuickTrace for Mac QuickTrace is a tool to
reconstruct source data by tracing them from plotted
diagrams as shown in presentations. QuickTrace reads the
pointer coordinates on the screen and computes them into
original cartesian (x,y), ternary (x,y,z), or polar
(stereographic) values (angle of azimuth and plunge). To
reveal data as accurate as possible, you should have a 17
inch, or better 20 inch monitor and a digitizing tablet.
Alternatively, you can trace data points from scanned
bitmapped PICT's (loaded via file or clipboard) shown on the
screen (optionally fitted to screen size).
- - Cursor sensitive display of computed data
- - Correction of distorted or rotated representations
- - Optional sound on each click
- - Variable point type
- - Justable decimal point accurance
- - Optional removing of duplicated data
- - Optional ascending data sort
- - Optional grid in graphics
- - Max. 3000 single data per diagram
- - Save computed data in TEXT spreadsheets
- - Save resulting graphics in PICT's
- - Print data and graphics.
- - Use clipboard to exchange data or graphics for
further work
- - Cartesian features: X and Y label, normal or log
scale, justable increments, optional line graph, optional
acceptance of points outside of frame, optional Z value
- - Ternary features: X, Y, and Z label, adjustable
min. and max.axis values
- - Polar features: Schmidt', Wulff' or simple polar
projection, 360° or 400 gon display, variable start
angle, optional counterclockwise direction.
System requirements:
Any Macintosh with min. 2 MB free RAM, colored monitor
(min. 256 colors, 17 inch, better 20 inch), System 7 or
QuickTrace is freeware. It is written in Visual
Interactive Programming (VIP)-BASIC, a development tool of
Mainstay. The code is translated to ANSI-C and compiled with
CodeWarrior by Metrowerks. Use it at your own risk.
Dr. Rainer Petschick
Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am
Senckenberganlage 32-34
60054 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. 069-798 22694
Fax. 069-798 22958
[email protected]
If you observe any bug or if you have proposals to
improve QuickTrace for Mac, please let me know.