
Training for using the single crystal diffractometers is broken into two parts. First, the trainee must become familiar with the principles of radiation safety and the Facility's safety plan. Second, the trainee must obtain appropriate training in diffractometry.

Necessary information radiation safety is learned by viewing the the radiation protection video tape available from Radiation Protection Services (contact Bill Crocker, 5-5214). The Facilty's safety plan is available from the Facility Director.

Diffractometer operation is taught by Dr. Boyle and/or Dr. Martin. Use of the instrument is forbidden without proper training. Training in diffractometer operation may not start until the principles of radiation safety is understood, and the Facility's safety plan is read and understood.

The X-ray Structural Facility operates 2 generators, a Nonius 586 generator and a Nonius 590 X-ray generator. The 586 is a traditional X-ray generator with a transformer tank used to generate the high voltage required to produce X-rays. The 590 is a newer model solid-state generator which uses high frequency electronic to generate the high voltage. The principles of operation are similar, but the specifics are different enough to merit 2 separate operation procedures.

General safety page
X-ray home page

[email protected]
Last Updated 16 Sept 1996