Peter W. Stephens

Professor of Physics & Director of the Graduate Program
Department of Physics and Astronomy
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook 11794-3800

Telephone :

Office (B-134) : 631-632-8156 (note new area code for Suffolk County)
          (P-103) : 631-632-8279
FAX: 631-632-4977
Laboratory : Stony Brook  631-632-8157
                    Brookhaven   631-344-5634

email : [email protected]

Research Interest

X-ray and neutron scattering spectroscopy of condensed matter.  Synchroton radiation.  Fullerene materials.  Structural and magnetic phase transitions.  Kinetics of ordering and phase transitions.  Surfaces.  Quasicrystals.  Powder x-ray diffraction analysis, especially ab initio structure solutions.




Family pictures !!!

Josh and non-bike on trampoline
Josh on trampoline
Mom and Dad visiting Mt. Holyoke
Becky and Mom at Mt. Holyoke

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