Javascript for science courses 
This is a collection of scripts that may be used for building interactive courseware. You can use the scripts for free, but we would appreciate acknowledgements to this site.  
A button that displays the correct  when pressed.
A button that changes its text depending on correct  or incorrect  answers. 
Imagemaps & highlighted text Depending on the mouse position over an image map, various text segments are highlighted.
Imagemaps & textboxes Depending on the mouse position over an image map, different text is displayed.
A calculator This is a simple desktop calculator.
Autoanswering textareas A textarea the user types his answer in. After leaving, the answer is compared to the default solution.
Autoanswering input fields Nearly the same as above.
Multiple choice Radiobuttons and pop-up windows.
See these and scripts from other sources in action:
This site will be constantly updated. Please notify us about errors in the pages. Suggestions are welcome! We will appreciate corrections of the English!!! If you want to contribute a script: you are welcome! 
  Stefan Krumm  
Institut für Geologie, Schloßgarten 5, 91054 Erlangen  
[email protected]