Crystallographic Association


The General Interest Group (GIG) of the American Crystallographic Association provides a forum for oral and poster presentation of general topics from contributed abstracts for upcoming ACA meetings that are outside the scope of the special sessions organized by ACA Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and ACA Standing Committees (SCs).

GIG Topics At A Glance

Important Notices

note This GIG web page is under development. It resides at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, at least temporarily. The format was borrowed from the ACA Small Molecule SIG to get the page up and running quickly. Suggestions on what should be at this site are solicited as well as volunteers for "other WWW sites" compilations such as:

Please send suggestions to [email protected].

GIG Meeting Minutes

July 24, 1997 St. Louis
August 14, 1996 Seattle

Crystallographic Meetings

ACA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., July 18-23, 1998


Sessions sponsored at previous IUCr meetings

Date  Location  Title                                      Organizer

8/96  Seattle   Topology I: Group Theory and Topology      C. K. Johnson
8/96  Seattle   Topology II: Critical Points               C. Gatti
Sessions sponsored at previous ACA annual meetings
Date  Location  Title                                      Organizer

7/97  St. Louis  Quasicrystals, Incommensurate for         D. Templeton
                 Surface Structures
7/97  St. Louis  General Interest: Theory                  C. Brock
7/97  St. Louis  General Interest: Experiment              M. Kastner
7/97  St. Louis  General Interest: Techniques & Apparatus  F. Rotella
7/95  Montreal   Off-the-Wall Crystallography: Theory      C. K. Johnson
7/95  Montreal   Off-the-Wall Crystallography: Results     L. Wingert
7/95  Montreal   Quantum Crystallography                   L. Wingert
7/95  Montreal   Off-the-Wall Crystallography: Apparatus   G. DeTitta
                 and Experiments


Carolyn Brock, Chair
Dept. Of Chem.
U. Of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0055
(606) 257-1959
Fax: (606) 323-1069
[email protected]
Bryan Craven, Chair-Elect
Dept. of Crystallography
Univ. of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260-3630
(412) 624-9300

[email protected]
Robert H Blessing, Sec/Treas
Hauptman-Woodward Med Res Inst
73 High St
Buffalo, NY 14203
(716) 856-9600 ext 335
Fax: (716) 852-6086

[email protected]
Margaret Kastner, Member-at-Large
Dept. Of Chem.
Bucknell U.
Lewisburg, PA 17837
(717) 524-1452
Fax: (717) 524-1739
[email protected]

Previous Officers

1997 Chair:
David Templeton
Carolyn Brock
Lavinia Wingert
Margaret Kastner
1996 Chair:
Carroll Johnson
Lavinia Wingert
Steve Ealick
1995 Ad Hoc Committee: Carroll Johnson
Lavinia Wingert
George DeTitta

Nominating Committees

1997  Alan Pinkerton (Chair), Edward Stevens, Ethan Merritt
1996  David Brown (Chair), Aniceta Skowron, Elinor Adman
1995  Bryan Craven (Chair), Aniceta Skowron, Ronald Stenkamp

General Interest Group Constitution


The name of this group shall be The General Interest Group of the American Crystallographic Association (ACA). The group shall also be known as the GIG.


The purpose of the GIG is to provide a forum for oral and poster presentation of general topics outside the scope of the special sessions organized by ACA Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and ACA Standing Committees (SCs) for upcoming ACA meetings.


The Constitution of the GIG shall be consistent with the Constitution, By-laws and Rules of the ACA. In the event of conflict, the Constitution, By-laws and Rules of the ACA shall prevail. The GIG shall sponsor at least one half-day session at every ACA annual meeting. The GIG shall submit an annual report to the ACA Council prior to each annual meeting and a representative of the GIG shall meet with the ACA Council at each annual meeting. The GIG shall submit a report of scientific highlights to the ACA Council by December 1 of each year for inclusion in a future issue of the ACA Newsletter.


Membership in the GIG is open to all members of the ACA. The founding members shall be those who sign the GIG petition of membership intention to be submitted to the ACA Council in support of this constitution. Once the GIG has been formed and officers have been elected, additional ACA members may join the GIG by applying to the Secretary-Treasurer of the GIG. The GIG Executive Committee may set yearly dues to be charged to the members subject to the approval of the ACA Council. Such dues shall be collected and disbursed by the ACA Treasurer.


The GIG shall have four officers: the Chairperson, the Chairperson-Elect, the Secretary-Treasurer and the Member-at-Large. These officers shall be elected by the GIG membership and shall make up the Executive Committee of the GIG. The Executive Committee shall carry out all of the official functions of the GIG, including the annual appointment of a Nominating Committee and a Program Committee. The duties of the Chairperson shall include chairing all meetings of the GIG membership and of the GIG Executive Committee. The Chairperson-Elect shall fill in as necessary whenever the Chairperson cannot carry out his/her duties. The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall include recording minutes of all meetings of the GIG, maintaining a membership list and keeping records of the finances and expenditures of the GIG. The duties of the Member-at-Large shall be agreed upon by the Executive Committee.


The offices of Chairperson and Chairperson-Elect shall each be held for one year. The Chairperson-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of Chairperson. Thus, the sequence of Chairperson-Elect to Chairperson shall be a two-year term. For the first year of the GIG, the person elected to be Chairperson shall complete his/her term in one year. The terms of office for the Secretary-Treasurer and the Member-at-Large shall be two years, except for the first year of the GIG when the term of the Member-at-Large shall be one year so that the Secretary-Treasurer and Member-at-Large shall complete their terms on alternate years. No person shall be elected to more than two consecutive terms as a member of the Executive Committee. Vacancies in unexpired terms shall be filled by a vote of the GIG membership. Regular terms shall begin on January 1 following an election.


When the GIG is formed, a Nominating Committee of three members shall be agreed upon by a consensus of the founding members. In subsequent years, the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. None of the Nominating Committee's three members may be current members of the Executive Committee. For the first year of the GIG, the Nominating Committee shall nominate two candidates for each of the four offices. After the first year, the Nominating Committee shall provide two nominations for each of the two vacancies that will occur, the Chairperson-Elect every year and the Secretary-Treasurer and Member-at-Large on alternate years. Other nominations may be submitted each year by a petition signed by three or more members of the GIG.


Elections for officers shall take place at the same time and in the same manner as the ACA elections. In any election, the candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be deemed to be elected. All elections and other votes shall be by mail ballot. Except for the election of officers and votes on amendments to the Constitution (see Section X), a simple majority of votes received shall determine the outcome of any ballot.


The activities of the GIG shall be those deemed by its officers and members to serve the purpose of the GIG. Annual GIG business meetings shall either be held at ACA meetings or be conducted by correspondence as announced in the ACA Newsletter by the GIG Executive Committee. In the organization of scientific sessions, oral presentations shall be selected competitively from regular unsolicited ACA meeting abstracts that are designated by authors as candidates for a GIG sponsored oral session. The GIG Executive Committee shall appoint a Program Committee to oversee the selection of papers to be presented during oral sessions allotted to the GIG by the ACA Program Chairman for the meeting. The GIG Program Committee shall provide requested materials for the Program & Abstract Book in the format and by the deadlines specified by the ACA Program Chairman.


An amendment to the Constitution of the General Interest Group of the American Crystallographic Association may be proposed at any time by 5% of the GIG membership or ten members, whichever is smaller, or by the Executive Committee of the GIG. The proposed amendment(s) and ballot shall be mailed to every member of the GIG, together with information on the deadline for the receipt of ballots, at least sixty days before the votes will be counted. To be ratified, an amendment shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of those members voting.


Comments and suggestions about this web page should be addressed to [email protected].

Page last revised: Tuesday, 14-Jul-1998 16:11:11 EDT