 Workshop '99

Research Group of Prof. Dr. Ernst Egert

Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität


Dr Michael Bolte

Room N160-B108

Telephone: ++49-69-798-29136,

Fax: ++49-69-798-29239

Email: [email protected]



I received my "Staatsexamen" and PhD degrees in Chemistry from Göttingen University in the group of Prof. G. M. Sheldrick. In 1988 I moved to the Chemistry Department at the University of Frankfurt and I am now a member of Prof. Dr. E. Egert's research group. Since January 2001 I am a Co-Editor of Acta Crystallographica E.

Research Interests

  • Structure determination
  • Low temperature crystallography
  • Difficult structures (twinned crystals, disorder and pseudo-symmetry problems)
  • Patterson search methods for structure solution
  • Databases (Cambridge Structural Database, Inorganic Crystal Structure Database, Brookhaven Protein Data Bank)
  • Molecular Modelling
  • Programming

Selected References

Refinement of a Twinned Structure with SHELXL93: meso-2,2'-[1,6-Bis(methylamino)-3,4-
M. Bolte, Acta Cryst., 1994, C50, 1368-1370.

Twinned Crystal Structure of Bis(2-hydroxy-4,4-dimethyl-6-oxo-1-cyclohexenyl)
phenylmethane at 150K,
M. Bolte, A. Degen and S. Rühl, Acta Cryst., 1997, C53, 340-342.

A Tetragonal-Looking But Twinned Orthorhombic Structure,
M. Bolte and M. Scholtyssik, Acta Cryst., 1997, C53, 1869-1871.

The Twinned Crystal Structure of 3,4-Dimethylpyridine Hydrobromide at 157K,
M. Bolte and M. Kettner, Acta Cryst., 1998, C54, 963-964.

Strategies for data collection on a CCD-diffractometer,
S. Rühl and M. Bolte Z. Kristallogr., 2000, 215, 499-509.

Pyridinium methylsulfonate: a pseudosymmetric structure,
M. Bolte, C. Griesinger and P. Sakhaii, Acta Cryst., 2001, E57, o458-o460.

Last revised: 18th July 2001

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