VTX Crystallography Lab @ Virginia Tech

Crystallography Lab
Structure services
Rough Guide To Crystallography

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Directions to Lab

Ross J. Angel
Research Professor of Crystallography

Ross J. Angel
Office: 3076 Derring Hall
Phone: (540) 231-7974
Fax: (540) 231-3386
E-mail: [email protected]

Curriculum vitae
Software downloads

Research Areas

Crystal physics and crystal chemistry of minerals and high-pressure phases; Equations of state, structural phase transitions, and cation ordering. High-pressure crystallography, especially applied to the study of structural phase transitions in minerals and synthetic materials. The development of single-crystal diffraction methods for high-pressure crystallography.

Research Interests

The details of the arrangement of the atoms within a solid determine its physical, mechanical, thermodynamic, and chemical properties. The pressures and temperatures at which phase transitions occur within minerals, or transformations occur between minerals, are dependent upon these properties. In order to develop an understanding of both the deep Earth and of synthetic materials used in physics and engineering, we determine the atomic structures of materials by various diffraction methods at both room conditions and under high pressures.

Research Facilities

For a full description of the facilities available for high-pressure crystallography follow the links on the left.

Student and Postdoctoral Research

High-pressure crystallography, and especially the study of structural phase transitions at high pressures, is a research field still in its infancy. Many of the technological problems have been overcome and there are now excellent opportunities to undertake studies of materials, whether minerals or synthetic materials, under high pressure. For information on funding available for studentships or post-docs to work in the Crystallography Laboratory, consult the link to positions on the left.


The crystallography lab teaches two graduate-level courses in X-ray Crystallography that are also open to qualified seniors. More details here.