PPT Slide
Dual Boot UNIX / Windows PC and Crystallographic Nexus CD-ROMs for those isolated from the internet
- Tutorials for creating dual boot Windows / UNIX PCs:
- Linux (bit out of date as versions being released so fast!)
- refer: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/solution/linux/
- FreeBSD (can run linux binaries)
- refer: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/solution/bsdunix/
- (be careful of hackers invading your systems when running Linux/UNIX. CCP14 tutorials try to be security conscious and leave no “open” services)
- Free Xtal Nexus CD-ROMs for academics and students
- http://www.unige.ch/crystal/stxnews/nexus/index.htm
- (Supported & Sponsored by the IUCr and CCP14)
- Contact the author (Lachlan Cranswick) for a freeair-mailed CD-ROM. ([email protected])