Supporting Notes on Quantitative Analysis by Powder X-ray Diffraction (QXRD)

David Hay

CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology, Locked Bag 33, Clayton South MDC, Clayton 3169, Victoria, Australia.

Presented at AXAA99 Schools and Conference - Melbourne, 8th to 12th February 1999

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Table of Contents

Title and "Recommended Text: "Quantitative X-Ray Diffractometry" Lev S.Zevin, Giora Kimmel ed. Inez Mureinik Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995".

Outline of Talk

Nomenclature - consistent with Klugg and Alexander

More Nomenclature

Introduction and Background

More background - absorption

Issues, types of analysis

Sample Features, Data Collection

Data Analysis

Basic Concepts

Basic Concepts, cont.

Techniques: relative, ratio

Techniques - 6 basic techniques to be described.

Technique#1: Absorption-Diffraction

Technique#1, cont.

Technique#1, cont.

Technique#1, cont.

Technique#1, cont., precision, detection limit.

Technique#2: Internal Standard Analysis

Technique#2, cont.

Technique#2, cont., precision, detection limit.

Technique#2, cont., Reference Intensity Ratio (RIR)

Technique#2, cont., Reference Intensity Ratio (RIR)

Technique#3: Doping or Spiking Method

Technique#3, cont.

Technique#3, cont.

Technique#3, cont.

Technique#3, cont.

Technique#4: Dilution Method

Technique#4, cont.

Technique#4: cont. precision and accuracy.

Technique#5: Complete n-phase analysis

Technique#5, cont.

Technique#5, cont.

Technique#5, cont. "Also called external standard method (Hubbard C.R., Evans E.H, Smith, D.K., J.Appl.Cryst., 9, 169-74, 1976)"

Technique#6: Whole Pattern Profile Matching

Technique#6: cont. Structure refinement

Technique#6: cont.

Notes of Interest: 1. Absorption and Microabsorption: G. Cressey and M. Batchelder method.

Notes of Interest: 2. Quantitative Analysis with Qualitative Control of Calibration Standards. T. Knudsen, X-Ray Spectrometry, 10 (2), 54-6, 1981.

Notes of Interest: 2. cont.

Notes of Interest: 2. cont.

Notes of Interest: 2. cont.


Author: David Hay Email: [email protected]

MS Powerpoint to HTML: Lachlan Cranswick

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