Crystallographic Nexus, Virtual Internet on CD-ROM Talk:  
    ECM-18, August 1998, Prague, Czech Republic,,,

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Time, Cost and Resources Required?

Assuming you already have a PCI Bus Pentium 120 PC (or better) Available. Though it is best to buy a dedicated PC for less than A$2,000 (US$1,500) that does nothing other than collate data and write CDs. (Can't afford this myself).

EquipmentJune 1996 June 1997 June 1998
Pentium PC (120-166 MHz)
less than US$600
Suitable Fast SCSI Hard Disk
A$1,250 (US$900)
Not Required
Not Required
28,800 Serial Modem
A$500 (~US$375)
A$200 (~US$150)
US$30 - US$60

Time June 1996 June 1997 June 1998
Setup/Optimisation Time
1,000's of Hours
~1 week (part time) - with a 28,000 modem (mis)using commercially available Get-a-Site and/or Teleport Pro software for Win95/NT
As Previous - or part of a week with a T1 academic internet link
Depends on how often you wish to update - usually a few hours a week
As Previous or less (CCP14 Automirror)

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