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VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VRML is to 3D graphics what HTML is to text: it is a common format that
can be displayed on any computer using a standard WWW browser (For instance
Explorerequipped with
a viewer, see the VRML repository)
or using a standalone viewer.
It allows the user to click on links to other objects (hypertext mark-up).
As a trivial example, the following file displays two spheres in 3D, with
the address of another VRML object (bcc.wrl)
anchored to the first sphere.
#VRML V1.0 ascii
WWWAnchor{name "http://www.ill.fr/dif/vrml/bcc.wrl" Sphere{}}
Translation {translation 1 1 1 } Sphere {}
Complex 3D crystal structures can be described in VRML, including space
filling, ball-and-stick, co-ordination polyhedrae etc.. They can
be explored from the inside with full interactivity. The translation of
three dimensional crystallographic objects into VRML is facilitated by
way of converters able to change a conventional set of coordinates into
a standard .wrl file. There is no need to speak VRML like a specialist.
VRML Authoring for Crystallographers: The tool market is growing
with either downloadable converters such as pdb2vrml,
and STRUVIR or online
builders (send your data and receive the corresponding .wrl file in return)
such as Builder
1.2 for membranes, PDB
to VRML, the Crystal
Packing Visualization by VRML system (Tai Y. Fu and Yu Wai Chen, J.
Appl. Cryst. 1996, 29, 594-597), the Chemical
VRML Generation Service and xtal-3d
which is able to access to the Inorganic
Crystal Structure Database.
Example VRML Files: A non-exhaustive list includes Chemical
Examples, 3D
Scenarios of Biomolecules, Silicates
(aluminosilicates and zeolites announced), the ILL's
Gallery, an Introduction
to Crystal Structures, the JICST
Crystal Structure Database, 6-connected
3D nets, the IUMSC
Database, Biological Macromolecules....
Some of them were built using the above converters.
General Documentation: It is recommended to read the FAQ,
to visit the VRML repository and
its list of Browsers,
to subscribe to the VRML Forum, to
respect the VRML versions
1.0 and 2.0 specifications,
to consider the SGI
site and the Yahoo
selection, to read and post messages to the comp.lang.vrml
Conclusion: As a general tool for 3D visualization in crystallography
VRML was unexpected. The real usefulness of current or future possibilities
like 3D mark-up, multi-user connections, links to sound or other media
is an open question. Not everything that uses VRML will necessarily be
an Internet application. Producers of drawing programs for crystallography
should consider at least offering a .wrl output file option to their users.
Availability of free PC converters should boost VRML applications in crystallography.
Finally, without the possibility to save high quality 2D projections of
a selected 3D view and to print them, crystallographers at large might
not adopt the baby. At the moment quality depends on your maximum screen
What is New since IUCr XVII ?
The conference VRML
as a tool for exploring complex structures given at the IUCr XVII
Congress (Seattle, USA, August 8-17, 1996) is online (abstract, full text,
transparencies and VRML example files).
The demo of the latest version of Crystallographica
including a VRML export function is available.
Plot your 3D-diffraction scans at ILL by Surf3d.
Download the free MSI WebLab
Viewer and test its VRML export function.
is a molecular modeller with POVRay and VRML output, generates parametric
surfaces, produces several forms of sphere tesselations.
Chapter 1" as virtual reality world available.
A new graphical routine, VRSTPLOT, has been added to GSAS
software). It produces very spiffy 3D graphics via the VRML 1.0 format
(structures and also Fourier contours).
Viseur is a
program that lets you manage and visualize your preferred GPCRs (G Protein-Coupled
Receptors). Based on an alignment and a template protein (PDB file) one
can build a 3D model and view it (change it in the future) with OpenInventor
viewers or a VRML viewer by using the ivToVRML translator.
A virtual chemistry lab
at the University of Oxford.
GLASSVIR prepares
VRML files for 3D visualization of RMCA
glass modelling results.
is a program to display crystal structures for dissemination across the
net using VRML and for publication using the POV-RAY scene language (or
screen copy). It can read CIF, CSD, GSAS, SCHAKAL and SHELX formats as
well as its own native format.
VMD (Visual Molecular
Dynamics) can write to various 3D file formats including VRML.
WebMolecules proposes 2000 3D models
in VRML-2. Most of these are organic, but there is a crystal category which
contains about 14 models. In addition, this is the home site for Molecular
Arts Corp., producers of Molecule-3D and other commercial software.
X-STEP, the X-ray structure
evaluation package from STOE can save VRML models.
A Review
on Virtual Reality in Chemistry is available (J.Mol.Model. 1997, 3,
386 - 402), discussion is open.
is a nice tool for visualization of proteins and can make VRML plot. There
are binaries for SGI, DEC, Linux ... and Win95!
Molscript V 2.0 is a program
for displaying molecular 3D structures, such as proteins, in both schematic
and detailed representations. One of the output modes is in VRML 2.0. The
MolScript program has been completely rewritten in the C programming language.
The MolScript C source code is strict ANSI C, and should therefore compile
with any ANSI-C compliant compiler.
The Internet Journal of Chemistry
explains how creating enhanced
Web pages, including creating
VRML pages.
Cosmo Player 2.0
has recovered the Live 3d quality with VRML 2.0. A VRML1 to VRML2 translator
allows to reuse your previous work. Nevertheless, a Pentium II with sufficient
memory is better.
DIAMOND 2.0 - Visual
Crystal Structure Information System. A free-of-charge trial version is
available for download. Saving in VRML 1.0 is even possible with the demo
File Creator for Chemical Structures.
The Java Structure Viewer (JSV)
from Steffen Weber supports Postscript output or direct printing as well
as VRML, GIF and JPG outputs.
STRUPLO for Windows
is a MS-Windows version of STRUVIR, a program for producing polyhedra plots
Inorganic crystal structures. It incorporates a Graphical User Interface
(GUI) to make production of these plots much easier. Most of the commonly
used features of STRUVIR are directly available from the GUI. The interface
is similar to that of Ortep-3 for Windows, and loading a coordinate file
will result in a default view of the structure immediately.
: Chemical Visualization on the Internet. Embedded dynamic and interactive
high-end graphics in digital documents for the visualization of complex
factual relationships. Many VRML compatible tools.
- January, 4, 2000 - © Alan Hewat
Armel Le Bail - Not to be copied
or reproduced without permission