Martin Dove

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
National Institute for Environmental eScience

Contact information

Remote contact
Find me
Address Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EQ
Office phone 01223 333482
Home phone 01223 711541
Dept phone 01223 333400
Fax 01223 333450
Email [email protected]
My office is M05 in the East Side of the Department of Earth Sciences, on the Mezzanine floor. The easiest way to find me for the first time is to go to the reception of the Department of Earth Sciences through the large double doors under the external stairs (see photograph of the courtyard below) and ask for me there. See below also for maps showing the location of the department.

View of the Department of Earth Sciences from the teaching laboratory near my office. The reception to the department can be found by entering the double doors below the external staircase (which, incidentally, leads to our excellent museum).

Map of the Downing Street area, showing the Downing Site.

Site plan for the Downing Site, showing the Department of Earth Sciences as number 8 on the key. The closest entrance to the site is from Downing Street, though a large gateway. The reception doors are marked by the arrow closest to the number 8. To get to my office, go through this door, walk through the common room, pass through the doors at the other end, take the first stairs on the left, and turn right. My room is further down the corridor on the right (although you will have to pass through several fire doors!).

Department of Earth Sciences • University of Cambridge • Downing Street • Cambridge • CB2 3EQ
[email protected] • tel 01223 333482 • fax 01223 333450

Last update Friday, December 30, 2005