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Before reporting suspected bugs or other problems, please see the description of known problems and possible solutions in the "Known Problems" topic of the Help file. Please include DPlot's full version number (select the "About DPlot" command on the Help menu) in any correspondence. If you'd prefer to remain anonymous, you're welcome to use the Suggestion Box to leave your comments. About the AuthorDavid Hyde has worked as a research structural engineer at the Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg, Mississippi since 1982. His software applications are used throughout the world to solve unique and challenging problems. David wrote the first version of DPlot in 1986 to fulfill a need for a plotting program capable of handling large data records. Of course the '86 version looked quite a bit different than what you see today. Since that time DPlot's capabilities have grown considerably, primarily due to comments and suggestions from users like yourself. In his other life, David has authored several modifications to popular action games for the PC. His terrain generator GenSurf has been used to construct realistic terrain models by both hobbyist gamers and industry giant id Software. He is also the principal author of Lazarus, a popular modification to Quake 2. Lazarus is best known for its enhanced AI, realistic physics, and a plethora of new interactive objects that have extended the life of this popular game. When not parked in front of a computer, David enjoys thrashing his friends on a bicycle and telling bike racing-related lies. If you ever have plans of visiting Vicksburg, bring your bike and plenty of aspirin and give David a call.
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