ADD | ADD | Expand current selection. |
ANG | ANGLE | Define angle. |
ATO | ATOMS | Change atom drawing style. |
BAC | BACKBONE | Draw backbone. |
BACKG | BACKGROUND | The same as BG. |
BG | BACKGROUND | Change main window background color. |
BON | BONDS | Change bond drawing style. |
CAT | CATCH | Catch the specified structure. |
CEN | CENTER | Change the internal coordinate system origin. |
COL | COLOR | Set color. |
COM | COMPARE | Compare two sequences. |
CRE | CREATE | Create structure. |
DIS | DISCARD | Discard structure. |
DOC | DOCK | Prepare two structures for docking. |
EDI | EDIT | Edit structure. |
EXE | EXECUTE | Execute garlic script. |
EXI | EXIT | Quit garlic session. |
EXP | EXPAND | The same as ADD. |
FAD | FADING | Change color fading style or parameter(s). |
FG | FOREGROUND | Change main window foreground color. |
FON | FONT | Change font. |
FOREG | FOREGROUND | The same as FG. |
HID | HIDE | Hide selected atoms. |
HYB | HYBONDS | Generate hydrogen bonds. |
IGN | IGNORE | Ignore (this command does nothing). |
LAB | LABELS | Show labels. |
LOA | LOAD | Load the specified file. |
LOG | LOG | Write commands to log file. |
MEM | MEMBRANE | Membrane manipulation. |
MON | MONO | Switch to mono mode. |
MOV | MOVE | Define which object should be moved. |
NEI | NEIGHBORHOOD | Show or hide the sequence neighborhood. |
PAU | PAUSE | Pause execution (useful in scripts). |
PLA | PLANE | Plane manipulation. |
PLO | PLOT | Plot averaged hydrophob. and/or hydrophobic moment. |
POS | POSITION | Move structure to specified position. |
PRO | PROBE | Set the probe radius (used to draw nice bonds). |
QUI | QUIT | The same as exit. |
RAD | RADIUS | Define sphere radius (used for selection). |
RAM | RAMACHANDRAN | Draw Ramachandran plot. |
REA | READ | The same as LOAD. |
REF | REFRESH | Switch graphics refreshing on or off. |
REG | REGISTER | Register garlic. |
REP | REPLACE | Replace selected residues. |
RES | RESTRICT | Restrict current selection. |
ROT | ROTATE | Rotate structure. |
SAV | SAVE | Save atomic data to file. |
SCA | SCALE | Select hydrophobicity scale. |
SEL | SELECT | Select atoms. |
SEQ | SEQUENCE | Sequence buffer manipulation. |
SET | SET | Set the specified dihedral angle. |
SHO | SHOW | Show selected atoms. |
SLA | SLAB | Change slab style or parameter(s). |
SSB | SSB | Change drawing style for disulfide bonds. |
STE | STEREO | Switch to stereo mode. |
STR | STRUCTURE | Secondary structure manipulation. |
TAG | TAG | Assign tag (short text) to structure. |
TAK | TAKE | The same as CATCH. |
TBG | TEXT_BACKGROUND | Change text background color. |
TFG | TEXT_FOREGROUND | Check text foreground color. |
TIT | TITLE | Add title to the main window. |
TRA | TRANSLATE | Translate structure. |
VEN | VENN | Draw Venn diagram. |
WHE | WHEEL | Draw helical wheel. |
WIN | WINDOW | Set sliding window width. |