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Using the Mailing List

Homepage located at http://www.unige.ch/crystal/stxnews/riet/welcome.htm

How to subscribe (no cost involved)

To subscribe/join the mail list (no cost is involved) send an email message to :-

[email protected]

with the following message in the body text :-

SUB  Rietveld_l    Your_Name 

(That is an L (el) - not a numeric one)

(An example of a correct subscription request:

SUB    Rietveld_l   Joe Blogs

Do not do something like the following:

SUB   Rietveld_l   [email protected] 

as the @ will cause a problem with the list-serve software and you will not be subscribed; and you will not get an error message)

If you have changed your E-mail Address

From Alan Hewat:

The server only ACCEPTS messages from subscribers, so if the current 
address does not exactly match the one used to subscribe, messages will be 
rejected. The server SENDS messages to all subscriber addresses, and 
several variations of an address might be accepted by the recipient's machine.

The user himself can correct this situation by sending to [email protected]
an "UNSubscribe Rietveld_L [email protected]" followed by a "SUBscribe 
Rietveld_L" command from his new address. This is explained if you send the 
command "HELP" to [email protected]

Confirmation of Subscription

You will then receive an email reply stating that you have successfully joined the newsgroup to mail gateway list and also receive a list of other commands you can use with the "mailing-list".

Remember to send any "listserv" commands to :-

[email protected]

Making it easy to send articles and messages

To make it easy to send articles and messages, try using the "alias" facility of your email program:- e.g.

alias     name            email address
rietveld  Rietveld Users  [email protected]
Then when you want to send an article or query, just email it to rietveld and your email software should handle the rest.

If your email program does not support this "alias" option :-

Continuing a Discussion on the Rietveld Users Mailing List

To "Reply" Only to the Author

If you want to discuss a topic with only the author of the article, email a separate message. Be careful not to do a reply as your personal message will be sent to all participants of the Rietveld list.

However, please consider sending your response to hte entire mailing list as fellow subscribers appreciate these contributions.

To "Follow-on" Your Comments to Everyone in the Mailing List

You may wish your reply on a particular topic to be read by everyone else in the mailing list as part of an on-going discussion (the preferred option for a mailing list). Just reply to the message which will then go to the Rietveld mailing list at [email protected].

This keeps the titles of the discussion consistent and please also consider including the relevant parts of the previous message you are discussing so that the context of your comments can be understood as a free-standing article.

Introducing Yourself to the List

Once you subscribe yourself to the list, please consider sending out a message introducing yourself.

Un-subscribing from the Mailing List

NOTE: To unsubscribe, you have to send the E-mail from the address that you originally subscribed from

To unsubscribe/remove yourself from the mailing list (no cost is involved) send an email message to :-

[email protected]

with the following message in the body text :-

SIG   Rietveld_l

(That is an L (el) - not a numeric one)

Remember to send any "listserv" commands to :-

[email protected]

If you have changed your E-mail Address

From Alan Hewat:

The server only ACCEPTS messages from subscribers, so if the current 
address does not exactly match the one used to subscribe, messages will be 
rejected. The server SENDS messages to all subscriber addresses, and 
several variations of an address might be accepted by the recipient's machine.

The user himself can correct this situation by sending to [email protected]
an "UNSubscribe Rietveld_L [email protected]" followed by a "SUBscribe 
Rietveld_L" command from his new address. This is explained if you send the 
command "HELP" to [email protected]

Go Direct!
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Please feel free to send any queries, comments or suggestions to: [email protected]