Carroll K. Johnson

Chemical and Analytical Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Building 4500N, MS 6197
Oak Ridge TN, 37831-6197
Phone: (865) 574-4975 work, (865) 483-3259 home
Fax: (865) 576-5235
e-mail: [email protected]

Based on the postulate that one should change directions every five years to avoid stagnation, my career profile in segments averaging five years starting in 1955 is: (1) graduate school (MIT-PhD): biophysics & fiber diffraction theory, (2) two postdoc positions: x-ray crystallography (Institute for Cancer Research, Philadelphia) & neutron diffraction (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), (3) staff member ORNL until retirement in 1996: thermal motion & computer graphics, (4) crystal physics, (5) artificial intelligence concepts, (6) artificial intelligence applications, (7) machine vision engineering & project management, and (8) crystallographic topology & neutron diffraction.

Post retirement activities involve crystallographic topology, personal computing and enjoying life.  A 1997 photograph is shown above. Publications and presentations are listed in a Résumé. Selected professional activities include:

Crystallographic Topology Home Page
ORTEP-III Crystallographic Graphics Program Home Page
Personal Home Page

Page last revised: Tuesday, 13-Jun-2000 14:00:28 EDT