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[ECM-2002 in Durban, South Africa homepage | Durban ECM-21 Crystallographic Software Workshop | What's New | Maps]

[ECM21 Durban Home Page]

What's New
One day Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction Software Workshop
ECM 21 : International Conference Centre, Durban, South Africa
All day Sunday 24th August 2002
Powder Diffraction in the morning (9am to 12:30pm) - Single Crystal in the afternoon 1:30pm to 5:00pm

[Software Workshop Homepage | What's New | Maps]

The ECM-21 Durban Crystallographic Software Workshop homepage is at http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/projects/ecm21-durban2002/

Please feel free to contact Lachlan Cranswick if you have any queries and requests for extra information (E-mail: [email protected])

14th Augusty 2003

Belatedly realise that updates have not been recorded in the What's New page. Apologies about this. All relevant information in on the front page.

25th January 2003

Martin Attfield confirmed speaker for 10:00am to 10:20am slot on "Structure Solution using Direct methods" - demonstrating the EXPO Structure Solution Software

7th January 2003

Announce the webpage on the web. And realise I have not been updating this What's New Page. Sorry about this. Check the main page for who is doing what.

9th November 2002

Armel Le Bail confirmed speaker for 9:40am to 10:00am slot on "Limits of powder indexing of impure samples using whole profile methods" - McMaille powder indexing software

14th August 2002

Draft webpages created for the Durban ECM-21 Crystallographic Software Workshop.

[ECM-2002 in Durban, South Africa homepage | Durban ECM-21 Crystallographic Software Workshop | What's New | Maps]

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If you have any queries or comments, please feel free to contact the CCP14