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Crystallographic Software Fayre What's New
[Crystallographic Software Fayre Homepage |
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Software and Bookings |
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The IUCr 2002 Crystallographic Software Fayre Homepage is at http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/projects/iucr2002-softwarefayre/ |
30th July 2002 |
Add Charles Weeks and William Furey's booking for Wednedsay 14th August - 3.30pm to 5.30pm - for Shake-and-Bake (SnB) and the SnB-PHASES Interface (BnP) - - direct methods / dual space structure solution - and BnP for complete protein phasing. |
30th July 2002 |
Add Charles Weeks and William Furey's booking for Monday 12th August - 4.00pm to 5:00pm - for Shake-and-Bake (SnB) and the SnB-PHASES Interface (BnP) - - direct methods / dual space structure solution - and BnP for complete protein phasing. |
24th July 2002 |
Add Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve's booking for Monday 12th August - 2.30pm to 4:00pm - for showing/discussing about CCTBX (Computational Crystallography Toolbox) and then Phenix (Python-based Hierarchical ENvironment for Integrated Xtallography). |
24th July 2002 |
Add Luca Lutteroti's booking for Saturday 10th August - 3:30pm to 5.00pm; Tuesday 13th August - 2.30pm to 4:00pm; Tuesday 13th August - 4.30pm to 5:30pm; Wednedsay 14th August - 2.30pm to 4.0pm - for showing the various modes of MAUD for Java (Material Analysis Using Diffraction) - from Rietveld and Quantitative Analysis, ab initio structure solution, Reflectivity analysis, texture and thin films; microstructure (defects, planar defects and amorphous) |
24th July 2002 |
Add Lachlan Cranswick's booking for Thursday 8th August - 4.00pm to 4.30pm; Saturday 10th August - 3:00pm to 3.30pm - for showing Chekcell for Windows by Jean Laugier and Bernard Bochu - powder indexing helper tool |
22nd July 2002 |
Add Radovan Cerny's booking for Friday 9th August - 1.30pm to 2.30pm; and Wednedsay 14th August - 1.30pm to 2.30pm - for demonstrating FOX - Free Objects for Xtallography, a program for the ab initio structure determination from powder diffraction. (Windows/Linux) |
15th July 2002 |
Add Robin Shirley's booking for Thursday 8th August - 2.30pm to 4.00pm; and Saturday 10th August - 2.00pm to 3.00pm - for demonstrating the Crysfire 2002 powder indexing suite. (PC/Windows) |
15th July 2002 |
Add Richard Cooper and David Watkin's booking for Thursday 8th August - 1.30pm to 2.30pm; and Tuesday 13th August - 1.30pm to 2.30pm - for demonstrating the Crystals Single Crystal Suite.(PC/Windows) |
14th July 2002 |
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