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Software Fayre
at the
IUCr Congress, Glasgow

4th to 13th August 1999

[Homepage | What's New | Software and Bookings | Maps | IUCr Glasgow Guide]

The IUCr Software Fayre Homepage is at http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/projects/iucr99-softwarefayre/

Both non-Commercial software developers and software users are invited to participate in an informal Software Fayre that will be held throughout the IUCr 99 congress in Glasgow. This will occur during the entire event (4th to 13th August 1999 except for 10th which is the day of the conference excursion and the centre is closed).
[Link to IUCr Congress, Glasgow 99 Programme and Timetable]

As per the 10th of June 1999, the following dedicated computers will be available throughout the conference in the Software Fayre Area:

The computers will be located in a secure environment and developers are welcome to bring their own custom computer hardware (though it would not hurt to have local anti-theft devices fitted to the computers).

It is possible for software authors to book some time slots to have a better chance of giving a psuedo-formal presentation to users. This is done through Lachlan Cranswick (E-mail: [email protected]) .

However, please note that software lecture demonstrations are permitted at lunchtime in some lecture theatres. These time-slots are booked through Professor Chris Gilmore (E-mail: [email protected]) on a first-come first-served basis.

The fayre will be held on the ground floor near the entrance of the 'Armadillo' - the main conference building and close to the dropping off point of the buses.

Information, including maps, confirmed software authors who will their software installed on the computers and special events during the Software Fayre will be added as information becomes available.

Please feel free to contact Lachlan Cranswick if you have any queries and requests for extra information (E-mail: [email protected])

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