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Methods, Problems and Solutions

Inserting Special Crystallographic Characters in Word (e.g., p-1, p-4, etc)

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From: CERNY Radovan 
Newsgroups: sci.techniques.xtallography
Subject: special characters for crystallography
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 18:05:32 +0200
Organization: Universite de Geneve

Does somebody know how to write a bar over a character in Word (for
example P-1)?
I think it was already discussed here but I have not found anything in
Thanks beforehand.

Radovan Cerny              
Laboratoire de Cristallographie    
24, quai Ernest-Ansermet              
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland                            
Phone : [+[41] 22] 702 64 50,  Private: [+[41] 22] 797 37 58
FAX   : [+[41] 22] 781 21 92,  Telex  : ch-42 11 59 siad
mailto:[email protected]

From: [email protected] (randy hayashi)
Newsgroups: sci.techniques.xtallography
Subject: Re: special characters for crystallography
Date: 23 Apr 1997 19:23:09 GMT
Organization: u wisconsin

In article <[email protected]>, CERNY Radovan
> Does somebody know how to write a bar over a character in Word (for
> example P-1)?

Use overstrike mode.  Put commonly used stuff like -1 into your glossary.

I suppose I can send you my word glossary file, but I don't have it here at

From: "Davor Balzar" 
Newsgroups: sci.techniques.xtallography
Subject: Re: special characters for crystallography
Date: 23 Apr 1997 22:57:52 GMT
Organization: National Institutes of Standards and Technology

Insert -> Symbol -> You'll find it in 3rd line, 9th column of "Symbol" font
-> then type the character you want "bared" (1,...).


Davor Balzar

From: CERNY Radovan 
Newsgroups: sci.techniques.xtallography
Subject: Re: special characters for crystallography
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 09:30:21 +0200
Organization: Universite de Geneve

There is apparently more possibilities how to write a bar over a
character in Word. From the answers to my question I have chosen two
which seem to be the easiest ones:

Insert -> Symbol -> You'll find it in 3rd line, 9th column of "Symbol"
font -> then type the character you want "bared" (1,...). 

To produce P bar on 1 use this:
-in Word click on [insert],
-[Microsoft Equation 2.0],
-type the letter P, than 1,
-click on the third buton that has a bar symbol on it
and select the fourth from the first column.

Many thanks to all which have answered.


Radovan Cerny              
Laboratoire de Cristallographie    
24, quai Ernest-Ansermet              
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland                            
Phone : [+[41] 22] 702 64 50,  Private: [+[41] 22] 797 37 58
FAX   : [+[41] 22] 781 21 92,  Telex  : ch-42 11 59 siad
mailto:[email protected]

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