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Tutorials and Examples

CRYSFIRE Powder Indexing System for DOS/Windows by Robin Shirley et al

Setting a Custom Editor - Viewer in Crysfire

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All you need is to add the line "set INDEXEDIT=EDIT" to your c:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file (or other viewer/editor such as pfe/TextPad/...).


set INDEXEDIT=c:\koalarie\pfe\pfe32.exe


set INDEXEDIT=edit


set INDEXEDIT=c:\windows\command\edit.com

Response from Robin relating to the Crysfire Interface

From: Robin Shirley [[email protected]]
Organization: Psychology Dept, Surrey Univ. U.K.
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 16:04:09 GMT
Subject: Re: crysfire 2002

[text deleted]

However, I think that your problems with mouse movements and slowing down 
arise through not using the suggested exit from WordPad - the Alt-F4 key 
(which will also serve as "any" key to pass through the DOS pauses).

Thus for indexing runs the fastes (and recommended) procedure is to
press ENTER as usual to take the defaults (if applicable) within the
Crysfire indexing wizard, then switch to Alt-F4 to close windows and
proceed through the external displays of the results, until one is
returned again to the main Crysfire prompt.

This avoids:

1) mouse/hand movements
2) accumulating a pile of open windows on the desktop
3) frequent changes of response (usually only 2 are then needed - to 
Alt-F4 on opening WordPad, and back to ENTER on returning to the Crysfire 
main prompt)

For this to work smoothly, you would need to be running Crysfire within a 
DOS window and not DOS-full-screen, otherwise the DOS task would need 
to be re-selected manually after each pass through the WordPad viewer.

Incidentally, WordPad is merely the default viewer under 32-bit Windows -
that choice can be over-ridden by whatever is stored in the DOS
environment variable INDEXEDIT, including going back to DOS EDIT if
that's what you prefer.

All you need is to add the line "set INDEXEDIT=EDIT" to your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file (or other viewer/editor such as pfe/TextPad/...).

The change to WordPad as 32-bit default was made because of the
advantages of being able to see more of the summary file lines without
needing to scroll them to the right - I still think that this is 
significantly more helpful than being confined to an 80-char visible 

With best wishes

Robin Shirley

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