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Tutorials and Examples

LMGP suite for Windows by Jean Laugier and Bernard Bochu

(Laboratoire des Materiaux et du G�nie Physique de l'Ecole Sup�rieure de Physique de Grenoble http://www.inpg.fr/LMGP/)

Performing automatic cell/spacegroup determination via the Chekcell Graphical Powder Indexing helper and Spacegroup Assignment Software on a Cubic Cell

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CHEKCELL: Graphical Powder Indexing helper and Spacegroup Assignment Software that links into the Crysfire Powder Indexing Suite by Robin Shirley

CHEKCELL now has a version of Truecell included with it under the "Cell Parameters" window. For tutorial runthroughs of Truecell in stand-alone mode, refer to the LMGP Suite Main Page

CHEKCELL can be obtained off the web at the the LMGP (Laboratoire des Materiaux et du G�nie Physique de l'Ecole Sup�rieure de Physique de Grenoble http://www.inpg.fr/LMGP/) program suite site at:

Sunday, 3rd December 2000: Bleeding Edge beta test versions of LMGP suite software such as Chekcell, Gretep and new programs are now available in the bleeding_edge_beta_versions/ subdirectory off the above download web addresses (wait 24 hours for the Canadian and Australian server to update). Please E-mail Lachlan Cranswick ([email protected]) with any bugs of Bleeding edge versions of the LMGP suite who will collate them and send them to the authors.

NOTE: If Chekcell fails to give any suggested cells, or only seems to be analysing a very small subset of the trial cells, make sure to check the options of the Best Solution Search window as you may have default limits from a previous session that are not applicable to the present problem (i.e., number of indexed peaks, too high a figure of merit or too strick limits on maximum cell size, etc)

The example data file is of a cubic Y2O3 sample using Indexing results from the Crysfire Powder Indexing Suite by Robin Shirley.

Crysfire can be run concurrently with Chekcell but this assumes you already have some trial cells from Crysfire in the Crysfire *.SUM summary file.

In this demonstration, we will be demonstrating the ability of Chekcell to automatically dredge through the trial cells to select a possible "best" set of cell/spacegroup combinations for the user to evaluate.

It is possible for the user to concurrently run Crysfire and import the updated *.SUM Summary file at the click of a button.

Click on the CHEKCELL icon or run the program via the windows explorer/windows file manager to bring up the CHEKCELL starting interface.

  • You can then open a Powder diffraction data file using either the File, Open, Profile menu option or the the bottom left hand set of ICONs (Chekcell can presently use Siemens/Bruker RAW, CPI or RIET7 DAT raw datafiles). In this case we open a Y2O3.dat file. Chekcell will prompt for the Wavelength of the peak file. Select Other and type in the wavelength: 1.54056 Angstrom (Cu k Alpha 1)

  • pen a peak find/peak profile file either via the File, Open, Peaks File or the ICON under the Measured Reflections tab. The peaks will be displayed on the bottom window. (Celref can presently import Siemens/Bruker DIF, Winfit *.DAT, or XFIT *.TXT peak find/peak profile output files). If loading an XFIT or related file (in this case a y2o3.txt XFIT peak profile file), when prompted for wavelength select OTHER and confirm the wavelength being used (1.54056 Angstrom) and continue.

  • Select the Cell Parameters tab and select the CRYSFIRE button bringing up file open prompt to find the Crysfire *.SUM file.

  • Select the relevant Crysfire *.SUM file which will display the Cells summarised by Crysfire, and display the peaks expected from the first cell in the Crysfire file at the lowest symmetry spacegroup.

  • While it may be obvious what the correct cell is from here, for the porposes on this demonstration, select Best Solution to be given the following interface.

  • Now select the tolerances for peforming a Cell and Spacegroup search noting that the previous sample may have perturned the defaults. In this case, we will only search solutions that have found all 20 peaks (which are all of them in this case) and a minimum Figure of Merit (FOM) of 30 so that it searches all the trial cells; and a duplicate tolerance on cell parameters of 0.001. If you expect impurity peaks, decrease the Min Checked Reflection No.

  • Now select Start for ChekCell to automatically sort the spacegroups in order of most likelyhood (including non standard settings). (Please be patient and wait for chekcell to finish as it summarises the best cells/spacegroups at the end of the number crunching).

  • In this case suggests a couple of solutions with Cubic a=b=c=10.6 Angstrom and Spacegroup of IA3 at the top. Which in this case happens to be correct but you should be checking things out manually at this point with care. (You can also change the tolerances and do another round of Best Solution if you wish).

    You also view the results in Wordpad and cut and paste into other applications.

  • You can also graphically evaluate other spacegroups at Whim of course.

  • [Tutorials page] | [LMGP Suite Chekcell Index] | [CRYSFIRE Tutorial Index] | [Powder Diffraction Indexing Resources]

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