Virtual Internet/Virtual World Wide Web on CD-ROM
The Xtal Nexus Homepage is at
Information and Index of Present Public Domain,
Shareware, Demonstration PC/DOS and MS-Windows Programs
featuring the Virtual World Wide Web on CD
All reasonable efforts have been pursued to make sure correct permissions
have been obtained from web-page and program custodians for all the material on
this CD-ROM. If you find anything slightly non-kosher listed here, please feel
free to contact the CD-ROM webpage maintainer so problems can be immediately
Version 8.0 - Test Version
Lachlan Cranswick, Email:
[email protected]
Web Page Maintained by:
Lachlan Cranswick, Email:
[email protected]
For help in getting this Started: Special Thanks t :
- The World Wide Web Virtual Library
for Crystallography (Now "IUCr Crystallography World Wide")
(local version on CD at
Howard Flack, and the
University of Geneva for allowing the use of World Wide Web facilities.
- Stefan Krumm
at the University of Erlangen, Germany for Providing his MS-Windows Geological and XRD
Software in non-Expiring Mode.
- Armel Le Bail at
Laboratoire des Fluorures URA CNRS, France and
Alan Hewat at ILL, Grenoble, France for providing guidence, information,
files, utilities and crystallographic examples on the Virtual Reality Modelling
Language (VRML) for the World Wide Web.
- Colleagues at CSIRO Australia for assisting
in downloading of large files over slow internet links - and providing an excuse to
join them for some nice lunches with staff at Port Melbourne.
- All the other people, organisations and companies who provided permission for software
and information to be included on this CD.
If colleagues know of other useful software or Web sites (crystallographic or
useful utility software for DOS, Windows 3.1x, Win95/98/NT or Linux) available on the
internet but not presently included in the CD, contact:
After May 2003:
Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
Neutron Program for Materials Research (NPMR),
National Research Council (NRC),
Building 459, Station 18,
Chalk River Laboratories,
Chalk River, Ontario,
Canada, K0J 1J0
Fax: (613) 584-4040
Tel (work): (613) 584-8811 ext 3719
Email: [email protected]
4th June 2003 -
[Web Page Maintainer] -