Virtual Internet/Virtual World Wide Web on CD-ROM
Virtual World Wide Web
The Xtal Nexus Homepage is at
A collection of pseudo random World Wide Web sites and information
available on the World Wide Web to give an idea of what the Web
is like to people without Web connections. In practise,
this is a selection of random sites that I and a few others
happened to be browsing through at the time. Many of the local links
do not work on pages and parts may be missing. Some weblinks are
included without local copies. These were not included mainly
due to space limitaions or permissions not being obtained.
Information Included
- Description of Web Page
- Availability on the Internet (if included in the Webpage)
- Local Directory on the CNSL CD
Web Page Maintained by:
Lachlan Cranswick, Email:
[email protected]
TWAS, IUCr, Crystallography World Wide and Sincris
- TWAS, Third World Academy of Sciences
- IUCR (International Union of Crystallography)
- Crystallographic Virtual Library - Index
- Sincris Crystallographic Software Library
- X-Ray Diffraction Tutorial from the University of California San Diego
- Tutorial on X-ray diffraction By Proffen and Neder including Discus software
- Kevin Cowtan's Book of Fourier
- High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Tutorial from the University of Pennsylvania
- Anomylous Scattering and X-ray Scattering Database
- Software and On-Line Resources for Crystallography Education
- Difference Patterson Tutorial
- Crystallographic Space Group Diagrams and Tables CD Examples
- Discus (DIffuse SCattering and defect strUcture Simulation)
- Workshop on Real-Space Pair Distribution Function Methods : Saturday, July 21, 2001
- Contacts: Thomas Proffen (Los Alamos National Laboratory); Simon Billinge (Michigan State University); Valeri Petkov (Michigan State University)
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Note: Due to CD space restrictions, some parts of this workshop may be missing, but notes and executables
can be picked up from the above Discus site which is on the CD-ROM. (e.g., the discus distribution for UNIX and Windows).
Also, due to licence considerations, some third party executable installers may be missing as well and would have
to obtained separately.
- Real via
- Workshop on CD at
- Hugo Rietveld's Homepage
- Rietveld Mailing List Homepage
- Rietveld FAQs
- Rietveld (and related) Software for PC and Macs
- Armel Le Bail's Homepage
- Louis J. Farrugia Homepage
- Atomic Displacement Parameter Nomenclature
- Macromolecular Structure Determination at the LLNL Biology and Biotechnology
Research Program
- Crystallography Newsgroup (sci.techniques.xtallography) Homepage
- Discussions on Crystallography (s.t.xtallography)
- Quasi Crystals via Steffan Weber's Page Including DOS Software
- Ron Lifshitz's Quasi Crystals Web Page at Caltech
- Superspace groups for 1D and 2D Modulated Structures.
- CCP14 (Collaborative Computational Project for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction)
- Mineral Database by Pierre Perroud, at Athena Website, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Clay Mineral Society Homepage
- IPFW Fundamentals of Powder X-ray Diffraction and Web Controllable Diffractometer
- Stefan Krumm's Software Homepage
- X-ray Structural Facility of North Carolina State University
- Bristol University - Structural Chemistry
- Neutron Scattering Lengths
- Laboratory of Crystallography - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Z�rich
- Structure Commission of the International Zeolite Association (IZA-SC)
- Atlas of Zeolite Structure Types
Supplied Thanks to Armel Le Bail at CRNS in France.
Thanks also to Alan Hewat at ILL, Grenoble in Flance for permission to include ILL
VRML structures.
- ArMel Le Bail's Homepage, CRNS France - Link into VRML Structures
- STRUVIR VRML results with various polyhedra (Zeolites, etc) ArMel Le Bail, CRNS France
- Alan Hewat's ILL, France Powder Diffraction site including VRML Structure Library
1st June 2003 -
[Web Page Maintainer] -