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Crystals Manual

Chapter 1: Introduction To The System

1.1: Layout of this manual
1.2: Status


[Top] [Index] Manuals generated on Wednesday 8 November 2006

1.1: Layout of this manual

This manual is organised as follows
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Definitions and Conventions
2.3 Immediate commands - tailoring the program
3.0 The CRYSTALS database
4.0 Initial Data input
5.0 Reflection data
6.0 Atoms and Parameters
7.0 Structure factors and least squares
8.0 Fourier and Patterson maps
9.0 Geometry and printing results
9.12 Graphics - CAMERON
10.0 Twinned Data
11.0 The Basic Matrix Calculator

This version of the manual, has been revised to coincide with the release of version 12.00 of CRYSTALS. This revision includes further enhancements to the graphical user interface. Opportunity has also been taken to revise some features of the underlying code. Brief details of the changes are in the web document We have tried to mininise the impact on existing users, and we hope that the advantages brought about by the changes will become evident.

[Top] [Index] Manuals generated on Wednesday 8 November 2006

1.2: Status

This version of CRYSTALS continues to be based on a version (Issue 2) written by J.R. Carruthers in collaboration with J.S.Rollett during 1977-78, which was a rewrite of the 1975 CRYSTALS system implemented on the ICL 1900 series of computers. It contains significant contributions by Paul Betteridge, David Kinna, Lisa Pearce, Allen Larson, and Eric Gabe and many students and visitors to the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford. The graphical user interface (GUI) was written by Richard Cooper as part of a Part II and D Phil project (supported by a CCDC studentship) in collaboration with Ludwig Macko and Markus Neuburger in Basel, who were working on a parallel Macintosh interface.
A suitable citation is:
Betteridge, P. W., Carruthers, J. R., Cooper, R. I., Prout, K., Watkin, D. J. (2003). J. Appl. Cryst. 36, 1487.

While CRYSTALS can still be executed in 'batch mode' (ASCII file in, ASCII file out), the major demand is now for the version running under Windows on Intel processors, with some small demand for the LINUX version. The GUI permits the user to continually see the structure as it develops, and to interact with it and the analysis through conventional windows features. The 'command line' and 'use file' modes have been retained for experienced users, or users wishing to explore new ideas. The 'SCRIPTing' language has been extended to enable full control and design of the user interface to be handled from ASCII files.

[Top] [Index] Manuals generated on Wednesday 8 November 2006



The majority of the changes (many thousand edits) are concerned with the GUI, the screen and file output, and the internal database.

Major changes are:

 1      New .DSC file
 2      Extended LIST 5 format (the model parameters)
 3      New ADP handling
 4      New weighting for Fsq
 5      More items stored in LIST 30
 6      Easier handling of twins
 7      More robust creation of cifs
 8      HTML versions of the manuals


New .DSC File
The internal format of some of the lists has been extended to accommodate information needed to meet current publication requirements. There is some degree of compatibility between old format .DSC files and the new CRYSTALS. A facility in /EDIT attempts to do the internal reformatting. There is no backwards compatibility. There is full forward compatibility at the ASCII level - the old LISTS 5 (the model parameters), 6 (reflections), 12 (constraints) and 16 (restraints) can be input into the new program.

New Temperature Factor (ADP) handling
In the original version of CRYSTALS, the value of Uiso was used to indicate whether it was a real usable value (e.g. 0.055), or a flag indicating that the atom was anisotropic (e.g. 0.00).

This location in LIST 5 (the model parameters) has now been changed to a proper flag, whose value indicates what kind of information is stored after the positional parameters. This has enabled us to have more complex models for the electron distribution.

 original keys:
       type serial occ u[iso] x y z u[11] u[22] u[33] u[23] u[13] u[12] spare
 revised keys
       type serial occ FLAG x y z u[11]  u[22] u[33] u[23] u[13] u[12] spare
                                  U[ISO]                               spare
                                  U[ISO] SIZE                          spare
                                  U[ISO] SIZE  DECLINAT AZIMUTH        spare

The value of 'FLAG' is used on input of atoms to indicate what kind of patameters will follow, and is used during calculations for the interpretation of the parameters.

FLAG interpretation The following table shows the interpretation of the FLAG parameter.
 FLAG  meaning    parameters
 'old' types of atoms:
  0    Aniso ADP  u[11]  u[22] u[33] u[23] u[13] u[12]
  1    Iso ADP    U[ISO]
 New 'special' shapes:
  2    Sphere     U[ISO] SIZE

The parameters have the following meaning for the new special shapes:

Special U[iso] U[iso] is related to the 'thickness' of the line, annulus or shell.
Special SIZE SIZE is the length of the line, or the radius of the annulus or shell.
Special DECLINAT DECLINAT is the declination angle between the line axis or annulus normal and the z axis of the usual CRYSTALS orthogonal coordinate system, in degrees/100.
Special AZIMUTH AZIMUTH is the azumuthal angle between the projection of the line axis or annulus normal onto the x - y plane and the x axis of the usual CRYSTALS orthogonal coordinate system, in degrees/100.

If either of these angles is input with a value greater than 5.0, it is assumed that the user has forgotten to divide by 100, which is thus done automatically.

Accessing 'Special shapes' The special shape parameters can be accessed just like any traditional parameters. FLAG is not a refinable parameter, and should only be changed in /EDIT if corresponding changes are to be made to the actual parameter values. This is normally automatic if the FLAG is changed to 0 or 1. To facilitate the generation of special shapes from groups of atoms, the following directives are available in /EDIT.
SPHERE newserial atomlist This creates a 'shell' shape from the specified atom list. The centre of the shell is at the centre of gravity, the size is the mean distance of the given atoms from the centre, and the occupancy is equal to the sum of the occupancies of the atoms listed. U[iso] is the mean of the U[iso] or Ueqiv of the listed atoms. The atom TYPE is QS, with the given serial number. The original atoms are not deleted, though they should be or their occupancy set to zero. The atom type, QS, should be changed to something appropriate.
RING newserial atomlist This creates an 'annulus' shape from the specified atom list. The centre of the ring is at the centre of gravity, the size is the mean distance of the given atoms from the centre, and the occupancy is equal to the sum of the occupancies of the atoms listed. U[iso] is the mean of the U[iso] or Ueqiv of the listed atoms. The atom TYPE is QR, with the given serial number. The original atoms are not deleted, though they should be or their occupancy set to zero. The atom type, QS, should be changed to something appropriate. The DECLINATION and AZIMUTH are computed from the constituent atoms.
LINE newserial atomlist This creates an 'line' shape from the specified atom list. The centre of the line is at the centre of gravity, the size is twice the mean distance of the given atoms from the centre, and the occupancy is equal to the sum of the occupancies of the atoms listed. U[iso] is the mean of the U[iso] or Ueqiv of the listed atoms. The atom TYPE is QL, with the given serial number. The original atoms are not deleted, though they should be or their occupancy set to zero. The atom type, QS, should be changed to something appropriate. The DECLINATION and AZIMUTH are computed from the constituent atoms.
REFORMAT This command converts an old (non-FLAG) version of LIST 5 (atomic parameters) to the new format.

Currently, no action is taken by CRYSTALS for special shapes lying on positions of special site symmetry. The user must set up the appropriate constraints in LIST 12 (section 7.11) (usually preventing the refinement of one or more parameters), and set up the correct occupancy in LIST 5 (atomic parameters).

Since the special shapes can coexist with normal atoms, it is possible to embed normal atoms in the special shapes to give a 'peakey' electron distribtion. The sums of the occupancies will need to be constrained.

New Weighting for Fsq refinement
Scheme 14 (Chebychev weighting) has been made more robust to ragged distributions of delta squared. The major influence is in Fsq refinement, though there is also a small (improved) effect on F refinement.
New items stored in LIST 30
LIST 30 (section 4.17) has been extended because of changes in the new CIF dictionary.

Easier handling of twins
Although CRYSTALS has been able to handle twinned data since the program was first designed in the 1970's, the input was very general, and not easily understood. Now that area detector diffractometers are able to routinely handle TLS and TLQS twins, the input has been revised to handle these special sitautions routinely. The old format input, for twins with up to 9 components, is still available (see section 10.0)

[Introduction To The System | Definitions And Conventions | The Crystals Database | Initial Data Input | Reflection Data Input | Atomic And Structural Parameters | Structure Factors And Least Squares | Fourier Routines | Analysis Of Results | Twinned Crystals | Matrix Calculations | Obsolete Commands ]

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© Copyright Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford, 2006. Comments or queries to David Watkin - [email protected] Telephone +44 1865 285019. This page last changed on Wednesday 8 November 2006. The website was re-generated on Wednesday 8 November 2006. Choose your nearest mirror for faster access: [ Original | CCP14 UK Mirror | CCP14 Canadian Mirror | CCP14 USA Mirror | CCP14 Australian Mirror ]
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