chem cryst
University of Oxford

chem cryst news

Crystals Primer

Chapter 12: Cif Files

The Crystallographic Information File data format (cif) is gaining popularity as a means of submitting numerical data for publication. With Acta Cryst.} submission of a cif file with an article can speed up processing of the document by several weeks. Atomic parameters, bond lengths, angles and torsion angles can be out-put in 'cif' format, together with a list of the other data required by Acta Cryst}. You are recommended to input a LIST 30 at the very start of an analysis, since this will be updated with various 'goodies' as the analysis proceeds. As above, LIST 5 MUST NOT BE MODIFIED in any way between the final least squares and the generation of publication listings.

       !E.S.D YES
       !ATOM C(1) C(2) C(3) C(4)
       !ATOM C(6) C(7) C(8) C(9) UNTIL C(11)

The script \SCRIPT CIF or \SCRIPT PUBLISH helps with the preparation of cif files.

[Getting Started | Example Of A Simple Structure | Overview | Basic Data Input | The Model | Fourier Maps | Preparation Of The Model | Refinement | Seeing The Structure | Molecular Geometry | Publication Listings | Cif Files | Documentation | The Data Base | Tailoring The Program | Advanced Refinements | Scripts | Data Lists And Instructions ]

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