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University of Oxford

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Getting Started

Chapter 3: Importing Shelx Data

It is best to import the .INS or .RES file first. You can import a file with or without atoms depending on where the data is from - CRYSTALS will just grab all the information that it can.
From the X-ray data menu, choose "Import SHELX file". You will need to know the space group symbol since this information is not present in the SHELX file format.
Type in the file name, or find it using "Browse", click OK and the file will be imported. (You will be asked for the spacegroup).
Next import the reflection file. Choose "X-ray data"->"Import reflections". The default settings are for a SHELX hkl file, so just type or browse for the required file, and click OK.

[Data Organisation | Using The Guide | Importing Shelx Data]

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